Sunday, December 31, 2017

Judicial Obstruction

Trump Justice Dept. counters rogue judge in latest refugee ruling, by Ann Corcoran 12/30/17

The Judge who is deciding national security issues for the benefit of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which is paid by the head for every refugee it places in American towns and cities.

Since so many of you have sent me links about U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle who temporarily halted the refugee travel ‘ban,’ I thought I better mention the latest.
Although, I must say I hate writing about this subject (maddening that these unelected judges are deciding national security issues!), I have to mention that the Justice Department is saying once again that resettlement contractors have no “bona fide relationship” with refugees before they are admitted to the US. And, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (of course) disagrees.

LOL! I guess this is going to be pick-on-HIAS week after all, see my post yesterday where we learned HIAS was placing refugees in dangerous housing in Pittsburgh. And, don’t miss the latest on their funding here.

You know who could settle this issue once and for all, if they had any guts—-Congress!

There was never any “bona fide relationship” mentioned, let alone defined, in the original Refugee Act of 1980.  The term, and now the wrangling over the definition, was created out of whole cloth by the US Supreme Court foolishly attempting to write refugee law. (See my Supreme Court category, here.) So where is Congress?

Here is the latest on the latest lawsuit (within days it will all change again!) from the Washington Post:

SEATTLE — Lawyers with the Department of Justice have asked a federal judge to change his order that partially lifted a Trump administration refugee ban.

Just before Christmas, U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle imposed a nationwide injunction that blocks restrictions on reuniting refugee families and partially lifted a ban on refugees from 11 mostly Muslim countries. Robart limited that part of the injunction to refugees who have a bona fide relationship with people or entities in the United States. He also said that refugees who have formal agreements with refugee resettlement agencies were covered under his order.

The government does not want to include resettlement agencies.

Mark Hetfield speaking at HIAS anti-Trump rally in New York last February.  Rep. Keith Ellison was also a featured speaker.  More than half of HIAS’s funding comes from US taxpayer dollars. Not only do they sue President Trump, but they organize anti-Trump rallies like this one.

Government lawyers filed a motion Wednesday saying that although the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has interpreted the “bona fide relationship” to include connections to resettlement agencies, the U.S. Supreme Court has stayed that ruling. That means the highest court indicates it disagrees with the appeals court on that point, the lawyers say.

Attorneys for refugee support organization HIAS and Jewish Family Service say the government’s claims are wrong.

In the motion filed Wednesday, government lawyers cited the Supreme Court’s three stay orders on previous Trump travel bans as evidence the high court disagrees with letting the bona fide relationship include refugee resettlement agencies or humanitarian organizations.

“For individuals, a close familial relationship is required,” the lawyers wrote. “’As for entities, the relationship must be formal, documented and formed in the ordinary course,’ such as a relationship between a foreign student and an American university or between a foreign worker and an American employer.

“Unlike these types of relationships, refugees do not have a freestanding connection to resettlement agencies, apart from the refugee admissions process itself, by virtue of the agency’s assurance agreement with the federal government.”

Continue reading the WaPo story by clicking here.
Bottomline for me is that this all points to one more reason to get rid of the nine federal contractors that monopolize all resettlement in America.  They are litigious. They are Leftist community organizers. And, we pay them with our tax dollars to work against the interests of America First!
I repeat: Where is Congress?

Here are the nine (go here to see how much you involuntarily pay them!). HIAS seems to have become their litigation arm!
·       International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)

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