Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Article V Convention Suicide

Steve Hilton, Fox News was promoting the suicidal Article V Constitutional Convention on the basis of the fact that the US Congress would never write Amendments to balance the budget or impose term limits.

Hillary Clinton had launched a “false flag” claim that Liberals were against the Article V Convention.  Just last year I found all kinds of evidence that Liberals supported the Article V Convention and wanted to replace the US Constitution with the New States Constitution based on the old Soviet Union Constitution. 

Steve Hilton’s logic was that if Liberals opposed it, it must be a good thing. He didn’t even ask how “delegates” would be selected. 

I am not ready to trust the Georgia Legislature with selecting “delegates” to an Article V Convention. I believe this is suicide for voters to expect state legislators do represent voters at all.  They would first represent their States and its government employees and next represent the businesses that give them campaign contributions. I would never assume that state legislators were capable of standing in for our original founders.

Hillary Clinton is correct that an Article V Convention is a “wide-open” convention where they could throw out the US Constitution and vote in a completely new one.

The current US Constitution has protections we ignore. The Courts could challenge the unconstitutional powers the federal government has assumed and force the federal government to either obey the 10th Amendment or file Amendments to allow it to expand their “enumerated powers”.  The Courts have failed to do this, but it could be done if we had the right Judges. 

Corruption is deep in the US government and this extends to all 3 branches and our state legislatures and local governments as well.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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