Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Fox News goes Liberal

Ever since Rupert Murdock put his kids in charge of Fox News, we’ve seen changes in how they define “fair and balanced”.  Fox has provided Liberals with continual platforms to spew Democrat talking-points ever since. When Fox was sold to Disney in 2017, the end of Fox as we knew it was assured.

The old Fox News had Glen Beck and Bill O’Reilly during the Obama years and we heard Glen Beck introduce us to “spooky dude” Soros and Bill O’Reilly say “the spin stops here”.

The current crop of Fox News and Fox Business News hosts are likely being “required” to invite spewing Democrats to not answer their questions and this is getting old. 

We will never end the Liberal monopoly over the media until the next Rupert Murdoch arrives and sets up a Conservative Cable News Network. 

The Conservative Newspapers disappeared from the scene from the 1960s to the 1980s.  The St. Louis Globe Democrat was the Conservative newspaper and was closed in 1986. Cox Enterprises merged the Atlanta Journal and the Atlanta Constitution in 1982. It’s apparent that the 1980s is when the Liberals took over the newspapers.  The same was true with the consolidation of the television networks in the 1980s and nobody said a word.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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