Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Mosque Propaganda

Will mosques provide sanctuary to illegal aliens? Nah, we changed our minds, by Ann Corcoran 3/6/18

This interview at New Hampshire Public Radio popped up in my alerts this morning and it gave me a chuckle so I’m sharing it with you.

The gist of it is that last year Muslims said they would open mosques as sanctuaries (housing!) as part of the sanctuary movement that seeks to hide illegal aliens from the Trump meanies in ICE, but have since changed their minds.

A Dallas area Imam who thought the idea was just peachy here in January 2017 now skillfully steers a reporter away from what I think is the truth (they don’t want a bunch of dirty kafirs, especially women, living in their mosques) to blame it on Trump-generated haters (people like you and me!) who they say might attack their mosques if they did it. January 2017…..Imam Omar Suleiman a year ago (Mosques tackling bigotry!):

Mosques for the first time are being called upon to join a nationwide interfaith “sanctuary” movement for immigrants who may face deportation after President-elect Donald Trump takes office, a prominent Dallas-area imam said Tuesday.

“We really have to stand strong in the face of the bigoted forces that are targeting our communities,” Imam Omar Suleiman, a bilingual professor of Islamic Studies at Southern Methodist University, said in a joint announcement with other religious leaders around the nation.

Suleiman said mosques across the nation will be asked this week to join a movement that religious leaders say has doubled to more than 800 mostly Christian congregations since Trump’s election. Among local Christian congregations already vowing to participate are Christ’s Foundry United Methodist Church in Dallas, where about 8 out of 10 adult congregants are foreign-born.

It was unclear exactly how the coalition of congregations plans to shelter or otherwise assist unauthorized immigrants who face the immediate threat of deportation. But the growing number of mosques, churches and temples is working out details on who will give refuge and under what circumstances, the imam said. Continue with more BS here.

March 2018….Now here is New Hampshire Public Radio with the Imam this week.  The reporter sounds a little surprised that mosques won’t be housing any mostly Christian illegal aliens after all: We (says Suleiman) are showing solidarity in other ways….. NHPR:

Under President Trump, Latino immigrants in the U.S. illegally are under enormous pressure. ICE has dramatically intensified its efforts to detain and deport undocumented persons.

That was a cornerstone of Trump’s campaign platform, and after his election, officials at a mosque in Cincinnati announced they intended to become a sanctuary congregation, ready to shelter asylum seekers or migrants in need — whether Muslim or not.

But just three weeks after the election they backed off that offer of providing shelter within the mosque.  [LOL! I bet some Islamic ‘scholars’ got to them and said—you can’t do that!—ed]

Listen to Suleiman deflect: “So I think that announcing yourself as a sanctuary has its implications, whether you’re a mosque, a church, a synagogue, or anything,” Imam Omar Suleiman told NPR’s Renee Montagne.

Last year, Suleiman was one of the people calling for mosques to join the sanctuary movement in response to increased deportation. The adversity that the Muslim and Latino communities face is similar, he said.

“I think the tools that have been employed against immigrants are the same tools that have been employed against refugees, which are the same tools that have been employed against the Muslim community as a whole, which is the dehumanization the ‘otherizing’ that allows people to subconsciously accept this idea that we somehow do not deserve the same level of dignity and respect and liberty that everybody else does,” Suleiman says. [Sounds like the right talking points, but he doesn’t answer the question!—ed]
Blame it on Trump and the haters. We can’t do it because the haters would hurt our mosques and the Latinos too!

But there is already a deep anti-Muslim sentiment, he adds, pointing at mosque burnings that have taken place since President Trump was elected. He says Muslims are already under a lot of scrutiny and an additional layer to that could exacerbate something that is already an issue and endanger both the Muslim and the Latino communities.
This is too funny!

“The idea here is that the goal of sanctuary is to provide safety, and if we cannot provide emotional, physical safety, then it would sort of be defeating the purpose,” Suleiman says.

There are other ways to express solidarity (that don’t involve dirty kafirs living in our mosques).  Of course he didn’t say that! But this excuse will sound good to our inter-faith friends (and to NHPR)! Suleiman:

“You know, there are other ways to express solidarity and support but announcing your particular mosque as a sanctuary could potentially endanger that particular Muslim community and then obviously the immigrants themselves that would seek shelter would be under that intensified scrutiny.” Go here and listen to the whole interview—a little laugh in the morning is a good thing!

This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.
I am going to assume that since South African blacks are “otherizing” white farmers (see post two days ago), that the good Imam would support moving those white South African Christians to America.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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