Monday, July 2, 2018

Israel Leads its Neighbors

Israel is the most successful country in its neighborhood. It has the highest GDP and the highest per capita GDP, the best military, the best government, the best private sector and the best economy.

Israel has a GDP of $374 billion and a per capita GDP of $42,120. Population 8.5 million, Land area 8000 sq. mi.

Egypt has a GDP of $214 billion and a per capita GDP of $3,478. Population 99.4 million, Land area 390,100 sq. mi.

Lebanon has a GDP of $55 billion and a per capita GDP of $15,000. Population 6 million, Land area 4000 sq. mi.

Jordan has a GDP of $41 billion and a per capita GDP of $5,180.Population 9.9 million Land area 34,495.

Syria reported a GDP of $45 billion for 2017, but Theodora estimates that Syria probably has a GDP of about $15 billion, a 70% decline from their reported $50 billion GDP in 2015. Population 5.5 million, down from 18.3 million, Land area 71.498 sq. mi.

Palestine has a GDP of $10 billion and a per capita GDP of $1924 in the West Bank and $876 in Gaza. Population 5 million 2324 sq. mi.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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