Thursday, January 10, 2019

Border Proposal to Congress

Trump Ready to Use Military Funds to Secure Southern Border, 1/8/19, American Liberty Report.

Democrats appear to have once again brought a knife to a gunfight as President Donald Trump has thrown down the gauntlet and has hinted he will use military funds to secure the U.S.-Mexico border by building a wall.

It’s no secret that “resist” and “obstruct” Democrats are suddenly opposed to building a border wall because it was a campaign promise made by President Trump. To date, the Trump Administration has already delivered on much of its commitment to Make America Great Again and more. With unemployment hovering at historic lows, tax cuts in place, the GDP surging, and wages on the rise, the president has also signed landmark prison reform legislation to highlight his social justice agenda.

The only remaining campaign promise Pres. Trump has yet to fulfill is securing the southern border and Democrats have opposed any and all efforts to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, drug cartels and human traffickers exploiting inadequate border security.

Despite the efforts of liberal extremists to prevent him from protecting everyday Americans from criminals and drugs flowing across the border, Pres. Trump appears ready to declare a long-overdue state of emergency and use his executive powers. The White House recently released a detailed account of its financial needs to secure the border.

On Jan. 6, the Office of Management and Budget formally requested $5.7 billion from Congress to fulfill the following border security and illegal immigration-related needs.
·       $5.7 billion for 234 miles of border wall
·       $563 million for immigration judges
·       $211 million for additional border agents
·       $571 million for additional enforcement agents
·       $798 million for 52,000 more beds to keep migrants in detention
·       $631 million for additional devices to screen vehicles for drugs at the border
·       $800 million for additional humanitarian aid for migrants seeking employment

The inherent problem with securing these funds is that Democrats refuse to engage in good faith negotiations. It has widely been reported that Democrats such as House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and many others previously voted to improve border security and build a wall. Their current obstruction is purely political in nature and meant to undermine the Trump Administration at the expense of the American people.

“The other side has not moved yet – I really do firmly believe they think they are winning the PR battle and are willing to drag this out because they think it hurts the President,” White House Chief of Staff Mike Mulvaney reportedly said following talks. “The discussion immediately turned to a bunch of technical requirements or technical requests the Democrats were asking for, for the first time ever in these negotiations, so I think this is going to drag on a lot longer, and I think that is by intention.”

But optics have not worked when Democrats take on President Trump in the past and they are unlikely to prevail when it comes to border security. One would expect savvy, long-term Democrats such as Pelosi and Schumer to be fully aware of the executive branch’s powers. But it seems they are outflanked again.

“Congressman Adam Smith, the new Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, just stated, “Yes, there is a provision in law that says a president can declare an emergency. It’s been done a number of times.” No doubt, but let’s get our deal done in Congress!” Pres. Trump reportedly tweeted.

Among the options available to Pres. Trump is Section 2808 of the Title 10 U.S. Code pertaining to military construction in times of “national emergency.” To date, the president has already called up National Guard personnel and U.S. soldiers to defend the border from an incursion by upwards of 10,000 migrants who rioted and attacked border patrol agents. On at least two occasions, border forces have had to repel criminal migrants who tried to overrun them.

Democrats have already begun rolling out the party talking points that no emergency exists in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary. More than 10 million immigrants are living in the country illegally, 7.8 million illegals are stealing blue collar jobs every day, drug cartels are pumping drugs across the border onto the streets of communities fueling the opioid epidemic and numerous violent acts including rape and murder have been perpetrated by criminal illegals. Clearly, a state of emergency has existed for far too long.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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