Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Wall Funding Options

There should be multiple options to fund building the Border Wall. The DOD and Homeland Security should have enough flexibility to fund the wall from their existing contingency budgets. Additionally, Ted Cruz has proposed using $Billions in asset forfeitures from drug cartel busts.

Trump Finds $14B For His Border Wall – In Famous Criminal’s Pockets, by Faith Braverman  1/7/19. 

He caused America a lot of trouble – and now Donald’s going to make him pay for it.

While the Democrats continue to obstruct the government over the small funding needed for the border wall, big opportunities abound to take care of it all.

The GOP have been hard at work finding the money for the wall, and smart suggestions range from taxing the money foreign workers are sending out of the U.S. to redirecting money from development projects.

But Ted Cruz has found one for President Trump that makes so much sense – because it’s from one of America’s greatest enemies.

From The Katy News: U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today reintroduced the Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order (EL CHAPO) Act.

The bill would reserve any amounts forfeited to the U.S. Government as a result of the criminal prosecution of “El Chapo” (formally named Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Lorea) and other drug lords for border security assets and the completion of the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
SHARE to thank Ted Cruz and Donald Trump for fighting for the wall!

The El Chapo Act is the perfect solution for funding the border wall. The notorious drug lord had $14 billion in assets earned from creating violence on the border.
This money is the product of narcotics trafficking, money laundering, and worse, and should be used to help build a wall to stop these crimes from continuing to happen.
Cruz first proposed this bill back in 2017, not long after El Chapo was extradited to the United States for his crimes against our country.

Cruz has never wavered in his belief that the wall is necessary, and is determined to secure the border for “the safety and security” of the American people.

“By leveraging any criminally forfeited assets of El Chapo and other murderous drug lords, we can offset the cost of securing our border and make meaningful progress toward delivering on the promises made to the American people,” Cruz said.

Congress needs to listen up and start using money from criminals, from loopholes, from GoFundMe, from whatever it takes to get the wall built.

SHARE if you want Trump to get the wall built, no matter what it takes!

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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