Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Easy Solutions

The obvious solution to stopping caravans of welfare migrants from massing at the US border is to stop offering amnesty applications at the border and require all amnesty applications to be filed at the US Embassies in the migrants’ home countries.

Ending US Welfare for Immigrants is another obvious solution to ending the welfare migrant invasion. This would remove the subsidy that allows welfare immigrants the additional money they need to conrinue to remain in the US.

Ending US participation in the UN Refugee program should have been put into effect in 2015 to avoid the Muslim Invasion of the US. Refugees need to be housed by families in neighboring countries who are relatives or are willing to support these refugees.

Ending welfare migrant entry programs like Anhor Babies, Visa Lottery and Chain Migration and restoring Merit and Need-Based US immigration policy should have been passed in 2017.

Repealing Obamacare should have been accomplished in 2017.

Repealing all UN Agenda 21 implementation laws in the US should have been accomplished in 2017.

Campaign finance reform to restrict campaign contributions should have been enacted decades ago.  Registered Voters should be the only ones legally allowed to make campaign contributions and only to candidates who appear on their ballot. Special interest, K Street, Corporations, Global Marxists, Non-Profits and Foreign Competitors can exercise their “free speech” on their own websites.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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