Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Ending DOJ Abuse

By Steven Ahle, 2/4/19.

How many times have you sat and wondered why Republicans can go to prison for lying without there being an underlying crime, but Democrats do that and much worse and they don’t even get charged?

If Matt Gaetz gets his way, that will no longer be a problem. Gaetz has proposed the “Justice for All Act”. This would allow anyone to be charged with lying to Congress and block the FBI and the DOJ from blocking it.
That way, we will finally see at least some Democrats going to jail but more than likely, a whole lot more people pleading the Fifth Amendment.

From The Gateway Pundit: Rep. Gaetz announced he’s introducing the “Justice for All Act” to create criminal referrals for those who lie during congressional hearings.
Gaetz is concerned that when you are Republican and lie to Congress the Deep State FBI sends 27 armed FBI snipers to your home in a predawn raid — more agents than the US military sent to Osama bin Laden’s compound.

Gaetz compared these police state tactics to Democrats who lied ton Congress including: Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper and Andrew McCabe who walk free today.

The Justice for All Act will force the US government to treat all criminals equally and not just punish Republicans.
It’s about time like Comey, Brennan, McCabe and Rosenstein get a really good close up look at the inside of a prison cell.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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