Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Bad Judicial System

The sole purpose of our Judicial System is to provide a peaceful process to resolve disputes. But laws have been written to ignore priorities and allow the weaponization of the law.  The law is used to issue fines and support this predatory system.

The Mueller “investigation” has exposed the dishonest entrapment tactics used by prosecutors and the financial ruin that results from high legal fees for those who are targeted for political purposes. Unless these targets have a photographic memory, they should refuse to answer any questions asked by the FBI or any other Law Enforcement entity.

Federal Courts are weaponized to preempt the US Constitution (as originally written). The Courts have become politicized. They were originally created to be referees for legislation to prevent unconstitutional laws. Congress has delegated legislation to the federal agencies and the courts.

This corruption is also alive and well in Law Enforcement at the State and Local level. The courts are viewed as revenue streams for government and lawyers.

‘There was a time when the Law only banned murder and theft, but now it bans everything that can be put in a Bill.

If you are swindled by a company, you can take your proof to a Municipal Court without a lawyer and the Judge is likely to approve your claim, but if the swindler has declared bankruptcy, you will not be able to recover your losses. Mostly Municipal Courts are there to collect fines and fees.

Civil Court is there to facilitate extortion against defendants of frivolous lawsuits and settle with criminal plaintiffs. This occurs if future legal bills are less than the extortion payment referred to as a “settlement”.

Criminal Court is there to harass the poor and enrich lawyers. Domestic violence allows family members to be jailed for self-defense and children to be taken from families by government agents who think they own our children.  These children will be placed in foster homes for the own “protection”. Every time some nut allows their children to die, the noose tightens. 

Addicts in the home now have “Renter Rights” and the family that needs to banish them is forced to file an eviction notice that allows the addict the right to live in the home for the next 30 days.  Addicts will have the opportunity to steal everything in sight and trash your home.

School shooters are allowed to keep weapons in their rooms, because parents believe their children’s rights cannot be legally limited.

Poor people who are late paying the auto insurance can be identified by Police and fined $1500 in Municipal Court. Failure to come to a full stop at a stop sign can cost $300.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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