Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Free Stuff for $4.4 trillion

Medicare for All will cost $3.65 trillion over 10 years and Free College will cost $750 billion over 10 years. That increases federal spending by $440 billion a year and that would be added to the National Debt and cost interest over $1 trillion per year. See below:

All the ‘Free Stuff’ Democrats are Offering (And Why They WON’T WORK!)  Free ‘Medicare for All’ Will Get Mighty Expensive. Free College For All Ain’t Gonna Be Cheap

If you are a fiscal conservative concerned about trillion-dollar deficit spending, the free stuff Democrats are promoting will blow the lid off any possibility of controlling America’s debt. The United States already faces a potential national debt of $28 trillion within 10 years unless entitlement programs are reformed.

Democrats hoping to seize control of the U.S. Senate and White House in 2020 are critical of President Donald Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that spurred an economic boom, but did not curtail deficit spending. They are sidestepping the inconvenient truth that Obama raised the national debt more than any president in history, hamstrung the economy with job-killing regulations, and caused health insurance costs to skyrocket with his signature Obamacare law.

Now, Democrats are trying to con voters with free stuff that will have a price tag everyday Americans cannot afford. Their efforts are not overzealous or misguided. They are deliberate efforts to bamboozle people like you.

Every Democrat trying to get their party’s presidential nod has come out with a “Medicare for All” platform that claims every American will get free health care. Perhaps all those pesky pharmaceutical companies will be doling out free prescription drugs because left-wing politicians such as Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren ask nicely and say, “pretty please.”

In reality, experts put the cost of “Medicare for All” between $24 and $37 trillion over the next 10 years. That would be the equivalent of almost doubling the current tax revenue collected annually — $3.65 trillion. But what makes the phony pitch even worse is that the tax revenue generated each year has not covered government spending in more than a decade.

The War on Terror started trillion-dollar annual borrowing. Although President Trump directed the U.S. military to eradicate ISIS, and American troops are poised to leave the Middle East, the country still borrows between $440 and $779 billion, depending on whose estimates you believe. Simply put, even doubling the amount of taxes American pay each year could not cover the cost of running the government and taking on free health care.

Democrats hinge their bets on a government-run healthcare system lowering administrative costs and overall spending. Sen. Sanders falsely claims that healthcare providers would take a 40-percent pay cut, and Sen. Harris just wants to destroy private health insurance entirely. The notion that the people will take less money, or the government can do it better and cheaper is ridiculous. Medicare is already in debt. 

Americans cannot afford the free stuff scam.
Student loan forgiveness programs have been popular among Millennial voters who took on substantial debt in the face of fast-rising higher education costs. It would be unfair to say that the cost of a four-year degree has not exceeded the ability of average Americans to put their children through college.

Given that we live in a high-tech society that requires people entering the workforce to understand advanced communication and other skills, education can make or break a person’s economic future. College tuition reform needs to be put on the table. But Democrats saying they can somehow snap their fingers and make it free is just another con job.

Like free health care for all, the skyrocketing cost of attending college is not going to go away magically. As Americans learned from the Obamacare debacle, injecting taxpayer money into a runaway industry results in increased greed. Health insurance premiums soared at an unprecedented rate during the Obama Administration because Big Pharma and others were able to upcharge Americans. Those costs went unchecked and were passed along. The same is likely to hold true for a higher education system chomping at the bit to make a greater profit.

Liberal Massachusetts Sen. Warren wants to make college free for families earning less than $125,000 annually to get things started. At the current estimated price of college tuition, that plan would cost taxpayers upwards of $750 billion over the next decade. Keep in mind that this figure does not account for the level of greed Americans suffered when Obamacare subsidized health insurance premiums. In all likelihood, Sen. Warren’s plan could tack on more than a trillion dollars to the national debt.

The Democrat presidential hopefuls have brought caricatures of circus carnies, cheap used-car salesmen and phony elixir flimflam artists to life heading into the 2020 elections. Hurry, hurry get your free stuff here.


Unsustainable healthcare and education costs began with excessive government subsidies. Before 1964, prices for healthcare and education were controlled by the law of supply and demand and were affordable. Government subsidies make it impossible for consumers to control the prices.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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