Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Draining the Swamp

Those who want to expand government beyond its workable limits tend to run for elective office, chose government careers or work in the media. Those who want limited government are not allowed to join this “Deep State”. 

The stealthy election of Donald Trump in 2016 proves the point. US voters quietly went to the polls and elected Trump. There were few Trump yard signs in big cities. Trump was the only candidate who accurately identified why the US economy was failing and prescribed solutions to correct this failure.

We are divided as conservatives and liberals, because of 50 years of liberal propaganda in our schools and in the media. Liberals have established a “cult” of followers to launch protests demanding socialism.  

There are several reasons for our political dysfunction in the US. This dysfunction encourages systemic corruption that needs to be eliminated by compliance with the US Constitution (as originally written).

Beginning in 1872, voters allowed politicians to violate the US Constitution and ignore the 10th Amendment. The lawlessness initiated by Congress and the Courts expanded federal government control way beyond the “enumerated powers” prescribed and totally ignored the requirement for Amendments to be ratified by the States.

If we fix the system, we will fix the politicians. The only way to get money out of US politics is to limit campaign contributions to “voters only”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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