Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Protected Groups

Establishing Protected Groups is based on the false assumption that these groups need protection. Anti-discrimination laws do not recognize individuals, just groups.

The fact is that there is no difference in abilities between races, sexes or ages. We all live on the “normal curve” A few at the edges are either gifted or handicapped. Most are in the middle and results are mixed for all.

The smartest Software Engineer I ever tested and interviewed was a poor Black kid from Kenya named Goke. He was schooled by Catholic Nuns in Kenya who likely recognized his talent. Goke landed a scholarship to Michigan State. He had BS and MS degrees in Computer Science and a 4.0 GPA. He got 10 out of 10 questions right on my Software Engineer Test and was the smartest applicant my Panel Interviewers ever saw.

Each ability has its own “normal curve” based on talent for a particular skill. Physical skills are required for physical activities. Physical Talent is seen in sports  Mental skills are required for learning. Emotional skills, common sense and good judgment are required for all.

The most successful people have identified what they are good at and love to do.  They choose their occupations based on these motivated abilities.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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