Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Angola Economy 6-5-24

Nominal GDP $93.796B, Per capita GDP $2550, Population 36,684,202, Debt to GDP 80.5%

Inflation 16.8%, Unemployment 31.9%, Labor force participation 89%, Land area 481,400 sq miles, Arable land 4.3%, Urban 68.3%, Rural 31.7%, Exports $595M, Imports $1.2B, Trade Deficit $605M. 

Exports include oil, natural gas, diamonds, coffee and sisal and fish. Oil exports account for more than 95% of total exports. Export partners include America, Europe, and Japan.

Imports include machinery, electrical equipment, vehicles and spare parts; medicines, food, textiles and military goods

Angola’s Problems include being too dependent on oil prices and have a high currency exchange rate. Unemployment is high and more exportable goods are needed to create jobs. Violent crime, including armed robbery, assault, carjacking, and homicide are common.


Angola needs to produce more food to reduce its Trade Deficit.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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