Thursday, June 6, 2024

Tanzania Problems 6-6-24

Tanzania is south of Kenya and has access to ports, lakes and rivers. It’s only exports are agricultural and that is not likely to change. It is a benefit to other African countries where food is needed. 

Tanzania is a democratic republic with an elected President. The Prime Minister leads the Legislature. The economy is well managed. There are no insurrections or wars. There is a robust “rule of law”. Tanzania is stable, but still poor.

Problems include: Low quality of public services including health, education, and water, in addition to a lack of institutional capacity.


The organized crime landscape in Tanzania is complex and diverse, with criminal activities ranging from embezzlement of public funds to drug trafficking. 

Tanzania has made progress with humanitarian aid to their citizens, but has not expanded its exports.

Tanzania is a country that faces great challenges in working towards sustainable development and achieving economic and social stability. It is bordered by challenges such as poverty, ignorance, lack of funding and environmental imbalances.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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