Thursday, June 6, 2024

Tanzania Economy 6-6-24

Nominal GDP $84.033B, Per capita GDP, $1,326.63, Population 67,438,106, Debt to GDP 37.0%, Inflation 16.8%, Unemployment 2.6%, Labor Force Participation 82.32%, Land area 367,900 sq miles, Arable land 45%, Urban 38% Rural 62%, Exports $10B, Imports $22.1B, Trade Deficit $12.1B

Exports The top exports of Tanzania are Gold ($3.34B), Raw Copper ($1.31B), Refined Copper ($384M), Copper Ore ($288M), and Coconuts, Brazil Nuts, and Cashews ($286M), exporting mostly to India ($2.73B), United Arab Emirates ($1.07B), South Africa ($939M), Kenya ($482M), and Rwanda ($474M).

Imports The top imports of Tanzania are Refined Petroleum ($5.19B), Refined Copper ($1.17B), Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($432M), Packaged Medicaments ($368M), and Cars ($318M), importing mostly from China ($6.54B), India ($4.05B), United Arab Emirates ($2.48B), Democratic Republic of the Congo ($1.17B), and Saudi Arabia ($548M).


Tanzania has a low 37% Debt to GDP, but needs to reduce its Trade Deficit. It has high Labor Force Participation Rate at 82% and a high population at 67M.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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