Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Rule of Law 7-28-24

US Law was based on Judeo-Christian Law summarized in the 10 Commandments. Plaques with the 10 Commandments have been commonly displayed in courthouses across the US. 

I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.

Honor thy father and thy mother.

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Thou shalt not covet.

These were the Commandments given by God to Moses. They were first imposed by Moses on the Jews who he led out of Egypt. The tablets they were written on were encased in the Arc of the Covenant witnessed to have miraculous powers to win wars.

The dichotomy in this was that winning wars required killing your opponents. The Bible is full of wars and wars have been fought by humans since pre-historic times.  Archeologists have discovered evidence of wars in ancient writings and carbon dated weapons. History would suggest that wars are inevitable. We are only beginning to have evidence that total economic isolation can replace war. Trump offered the first evidence when he economically isolated Iran in 2017 and their lack of funding reduce their ability to fund Islamic Terror. Previous evidence supported this theory. The Roman Empire ran out of money and their Empire contracted. The same is true as the USSR overspent and had to release its “satellite countries”.

Violations of the 10 Commandments are considered to be “mortal sins” by religions and a few are usually classified as “felonies” under the law.

Murder is among the most serious crimes and has its own range of severity. A 1st degree Murder conviction can bring the death penalty or life without parole  The dichotomy related to murder is that mental illness is used as a defense but the Criminally Insane, serial killers are usually given the death penalty.  

The 1st Commandment is ignored under US Law that requires “freedom of religion” and allows “no religion”. A religion is a set of beliefs, but is also an established church. The US is based on Judeo-Christian law, but churches outside of this law have also been allowed. The Founders were dealing with the culture it inherited.  To maintain a culture that allows for assimilation some churches were ignored into extinction.  Each denomination had its day and some still survive, but the strict Puritans became extinct over reaction to the Salem Witch Trials. The Secular Culture in the US did not embrace the Judeo-Christian principles in the US Constitution and is still in play. The American Communist Party began to chip away at religious education in the 1920s.

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Commandments are dated to include no graven images, no taking the name of God in vain and keeping holy the Sabbath and assume that we remain faithful to and respectful of God and reserve 1 day to worship God.

The 5th Commandment to honor our father and mother commands us to be respectful and grateful to our parents.

The 6th Commandment to not kill is addressed in US law. Abortion presents another dichotomy as States weigh their option to allow abortion in cases of rape, incest, fetal viability and dangers to life of the mother.

The 7th Commandment to not commit adultery is recognized in divorce proceedings and with laws against prostitution.

The 8th Commandment to not steal is recognized in cases of theft, especially when harm is inflicted on the victim or property is damaged.

The 9th Commandment to not bear false witness is ignored in US election laws, but is used by pledging honesty when answering questions in a court of law. The crime for lying under oath is perjury punishable by fines and jail time. You need a photographic memory and you own documents to defend against perjury.

The 10th Commandment to not covet includes goods and wives and is ignored by US law.

The intent of the Founders was to establish the US based on Judeo-Christian Principles to ensure that those who migrate to the US will assimilate into its culture. This has worked well for the past 250 years as Europeans from cultures that support these principles have migrated to the US. The non-Europeans who migrated to the US from other cultures that have assimilated are Asian. Other non-European have had difficulty including Muslims and tribal cultures. Incompatible ideologies like socialism and communism are incompatible. 

Campaign ads now consist of attacks on opponents that are protected speech. If the campaign ads are relentless, most viewers will eventually believe them. That is why few candidates ever post their positions on issues and we don’t know who the hell they are. This works for them, because it allows them to hide their votes and continue to work for the big doners.

The Supreme Court has held that libel of a public official or public figure cannot be punished criminally unless the requirements of New York Tinies Co. v. Sullivan are met: the statements must be proven to be false and published with 'actual malice. Criminal prosecutions for libel are exceedingly rare and, in the post-Sullivan era, greeted with skepticism. In most states, criminal libel statutes have either been repealed or struck down as unconstitutional by the courts.,and%20published%20with%20'actual%20malice.

There are also no laws for preventive measures that protect US citizens from identity theft and property crimes. These laws are needed to prevent identity theft of Home Titles and Bank Accounts. New laws need to be passed to allow government offices to require proof of identity they are not currently allowed to enforce.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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