Sunday, July 28, 2024

US Political Division 7-28-24

The struggle is between Business and Government. The first battle was over private property rights. The Left passed an anti-monopoly law in 1890 and supported Labor Unions. Republicans took the side of the Private Sector and Democrats took the side of the Public Sector. 

The main political parties in the US have been on a collision course since 1913.  Democrat President Woodrow Wilson passed the Federal Reserve Act and implemented a Fabian Socialist Managed Economy to abandon the Capitalist Free Market Economy. Wilson also passed a permanent Individual Income Tax to fund the US government. Wilson also expanded the Federal Government to include additional Agencies to impose regulations on the private sector. Wilson abandoned the “limited powers” outlined in the US Constitution without creating Amendments allowing the creation of National Parks and other powers for ratification. He did create Amendments to establish the Income Tax and Federal Reserve, but the Federal Reserve was based on anti-capitalist principles. State Legislatures didn’t understand the implications and the Supreme Court didn’t stop these Amendments.

The US Congress had passed the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890 and imposed it on private businesses like the JP Morgan’s railroad and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company. These businesses created their industries. JP Morgan consolidated the railroads to allow them to pay off the foreign loans they used to expand the railroads. This was an affront to property rights and opened the door for the US government to continue to erode property rights for everybody. The other Marxist principle that was adopted is the right to unionize and that further eroded the owners’ property rights.

Banks loved that major private industries would no longer be able to provide their own working capital.  Wall Street loved that making these major privately owned companies to seek loans or sell Bonds to get the working capital they needed. Unions loved it because they could lay claim to companies owned by their founders who built these critical industries.

With income taxes that consumed 70% of business owner’s incomes, these business owners donated their fortunes to their own “foundations” to avoid taxes. These foundations were eventually infiltrated to be controlled by Marxists.

Unions grew, peaked in the 1950s, declined from the 1960s and now are down to 10%. US manufacturing was off-shored in the 1990s. Banks created the “Great Recession” in 2008. The Stock Market began to grow when 401k plans were adopted in the 1980s to allow gains that off-set inflation.

Marxist Democrat politicians took over the US Federal Government in 2009, lost it to Republican Conservatives in 2017, regained control in 2020 and may give it back to Republican Conservatives in 2024.

The struggle is between the Private Sector Economy and the Public Sector Economy. There are more voters who work in the private sector and Republicans should win if voters can learn economics and history by November 2024.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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