Friday, September 6, 2024

US Stock Market 9-6-24

The reason the Stock Market goes up and down is so that day traders and investment firms can sell high and buy low. 401K plan investors use these firms to pick their stocks and remain in these plans to hedge against inflation and defer reportable income. These investment firms rely on low interest rates, high US consumer spending, high earnings reports and the promise of technological innovations, 

The US Stock Market reacts to news based on sloppy numbers like the unemployment % and jobs reports.  Their euphoria over the promise of AI to increase US productivity. There is little or no news related to doubling the electric power plants to stabilize the grid or plans to power AI using Nuclear Power. These requirements will take 10 years to deploy the additional 1000 natural gas power plants required  to stabilize the grid and the dozens of nuclear power plants required  to power the “Cloud”.

The largest US investment companies are listed below:

Company   Dollars Invested

Blackrock  $9.090T

Vanguard $7.600T

Fidelity $4.420T

State Street Global $3.600T

Morgan Stanley $3.131T

JP Morgan Chase $3.006T

Goldman Sachs $2.672T

US demand going forward depends on increasing the supply of Oil and Gas to lower transportation and energy costs. We also need lower cost starter homes and the reshoring of manufacturing to US rural counties.

Following the Dow Jones Averages:

Year   Close   President

2006  12463   Bush II

2007  13264

2008   8776   Mortgage Meltdown

2009  10428  Obama

2010  11577

2011  12217

2012  13104

2013  16576

2014  17823

2015  17425

2016  17762

2017  24719 Trump

2018  23327

2019  28583

2020  30606

2021  36338  Biden

2022  33147

2023  37689

2024  40936

The Dow Average is made up of 30 large companies to represent a diversity of stocks.

The 30 stocks which make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average are: 3M, American Express, Amgen, Apple, Boeing, Caterpillar, Chevron, Cisco Systems, Coca-Cola, Disney, Dow, Goldman Sachs, Home Depot, Honeywell, IBM, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, McDonald's, Merck, Microsoft, Nike, Procter & Gamble, ...

The S&P 500 is made up from the top US companies by Revenue. This is a popular investment for 401K participants.

The NASDAQ is made up from technology and innovation companies.

The Nasdaq is known for technology and innovation and is home to digital, biotechnology, and other companies at the cutting edge. As such, stocks listed on the Nasdaq are considered growth-oriented and more volatile. In contrast, companies that list on the NYSE are perceived as more stable and well-established. The Nasdaq is known for technology and innovation and is home to digital, biotechnology, and other companies at the cutting edge. As such, stocks listed on the Nasdaq are considered growth-oriented and more volatile. In contrast, companies that list on the NYSE are perceived as more stable and well-established.

There are more than 5,000 companies that are listed and traded on the exchange on a daily basis. Many of these companies are major technology companies, such as Apple (AAPL) and Microsoft (MSFT).

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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