Thursday, February 20, 2025

Defunding Foreign Aid 2-20-25


In 2024, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) obligated $30.3 billion in funding. USAID is the main US agency that helps countries recover from disasters, reduce poverty, and make democratic reforms. 

DOGE has identified that USAID Grants are full of useless projects and USAID should be closed.


The United Nations was established in 1946 to replace the League of Nations.

The League of Nations was established in 1920 to prevent war by US President Woodrow Wilson, following World War I.  When it failed in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland it was replaced by the United Nations in 1946, following World War II. After World

War II, the UN supported the restoration of Israel in 1948.

As of February 2025, 193 countries are member states of the United Nations (UN). The UN is an intergovernmental organization that works to address global issues. 

The United Nations (UN) budget for 2024 was $3.59 billion, which was approved by the General Assembly on December 24, 2023. However, the UN's financial situation is challenging due to a combination of factors, including unpaid assessments and fluctuating collections. 

The UN continues to fail in its original purpose to prevent war and continues to fail in their other functions.

In 1950, the UN recruited other countries to respond to the Korean War.  The United Nations functioned badly since its founding in 1946

In 1989, the UN published UN Agenda 21 that proposed that they form a Global Government.

Europe responded by forming the European Union. UN Agenda 21 declared that Global Warming required the replacement of fossil fuels like Coal and Oil be replaced by Wind and Solar. By 1990, Europe had learned its lesson as consumer costs doubled.

US President GHW Bush signed on for UN Agenda 21 in 1989. Bill Clinton issued the Executive Order to implement it in 1993. Obama unleashed “smart growth” and the Global Warming Hoax.

Trump quit the Climate Hoax Accords and the World Health Organization and should quit the rest. The UN does more harm than good.


In 1992 George Soros crashed the British Pound that sank from $2.25 to $1.00. Soros bought British Pound notes over time and sold them all at once.  

The European Union was formed in 1993. It began in 1950 as a “European trade association” and as Europe rebuilt after World War II and morphed into a community of countries. They all agreed that a single currency for Europe would be nice and they all wanted to upgrade their public transit to encourage tourism and interconnect trains between countries. The Euro is currently worth $1.05 USD.

As of February 2025, the European Union (EU) has 27 member states. The EU is a political and economic union of countries in Europe. The EU is a supranational organization that allows for the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people between member states. The Euro is their common currency. They are, in effect, the United States of Europe, but membership is optional.

The European Union's (EU) budget for 2024 is €189.39 billion in commitments and €142.63 billion in payments. The budget was approved by the Council of the EU on November 20, 2023. The European Parliament voted on the budget in November, and the president of the European Parliament signed it into law. 

European Member Countries pay for two layers of government plus a 20% sales tax on everything they buy. They need to reduce the cost of government. They ended the Musim Invasion of Europe and started to deport their 2015 refugees in 2020. In the US we took 2 million refugees and elected 2 Liberal Refugees to Congress.

EU countries should cut their government spending in half and lower citizens’ 20% Vat sales taxes in half. The EU should back off and let member countries control their own immigration and laws. They can continue to have the Euro and their “Trade Association”.


NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed in 1949 at the beginning of the “Cold War” to protect Europe from the USSR. When the USSR collapsed, NATO continued to exist.

As of March 7, 2024, there are 32 member states in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This includes 30 European countries and two North American countries the US and Canada.

NATO was not involved in the Middle East wars or the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, because Ukraine was not admitted as a NATO member country. NATO has managed to keep its members from invading each other. It’s purpose now is to serve as a “deterrent” to War in Europe. NATO participation by the US resulted in a 2 year European Vacation for US Military personnel for decades.

In February, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said: “In 2024, NATO allies in Europe will invest a combined total of $380 billion for defense. NATO asks that members pay 2 percent of their GDP.” The United States remains the world's largest military spender by far.

Trump wants member countries to pay 5 percent of GDP to pay for their own defense to deter Russia from further expansion.  NATO is an effective deterrent to prevent other countries from attacking the US. Instead, they send Terrorists and Drug Cartels to attack the US.

NATO could shrink to monitor bad actors and offer training exercises. Member Countries could maintain their own armies as Reserve Units and train together as NATO units. Their Military could hold other jobs at home in their respective countries and be given leave to train with NATO.

World Bank

The World Bank was established in 1944 and has headquartered in the US in Washington, D.C. since 1946 

The World Bank has 189 member countries, which are its shareholders. The World Bank is the world's largest multilateral development bank. 

The US give the World Bank $3.7 billion per year. The US has the largest financial commitment to the IBRD, accounting for 16.37% of total IBRD resources. U.S. callable capital is $52.9 billion and U.S. paid-in capital is $3.7 billion.

The World Bank controls the finances of developing countries by providing loans to their governments.

The World Bank has two lending facilities, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA), with member countries that borrow money from both. 

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) has 189 member countries and provides loans, guarantees, and advisory services to middle-income countries and some low-income countries

The International Development Association (IDA) has 175 member countries and provides grants and low-interest loans to low-income countries and is the largest source of donor funds for essential social services in low-income countries

The World Bank's International Debt Report (IDR) covers 121 low- and middle-income countries that report to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System (DRS). 

The World Bank charges interest and has limits on what it will lend each country. Their advice is usually sound. The World Bank determines the countries they will lend to and made no loans to Venezuela after 1990 and made no loans to Zimbabwe after 2000. They both failed the math test. It is the only aid agency worth keeping.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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