Thursday, February 20, 2025

Reducing Federal Agencies 2-20-25

The US Federal Government is going broke and the cost of government needs to be reduced to bare necessities at all levels.

Most Agencies have failed to avoid infiltration and sabotage. DOGE is identifying the damage. Trump has identified the need to send Education to the States to return it to Basics and Occupational Preparation. Trump is also closing USAID to end corruption and eliminate Federal support. Trump will close the redundant Consumer Protection Agency under the Federal Reserve. More Agencies like FEMA are being considered for States to assume Control. 

DOGE is expected to complete their identification and clean up task before the end of 2026. DOGE will be needed to implement automation using AI to improve productivity and accuracy.

The EPA overreach will end. Bureaucrats who want to end gas cooktops will be laid off. The EPA will deal with forest fires and lack of water supply where needed.

The DOJ is ending Sanctuary States, Counties and Cities to allow ICE to deport 16 million Illegals.

The DOT should return highway and bridge maintenance and construction to the States and end its grants.

The HHS will end fraud in Medicare and Medicaid, make the NIH and FDA independent of Big Pharma and make USDA independent of Big Food. RFK Jr will reduce headcount in the FDA and CDC.

This reorganization of the Executive Branch Agencies will continue through 2025. Some Agencies will be eliminated or combined. Agencies with connecting and overlapping responsibilities will apply permanent collaboration. Headcount and Spending will be reduced by $2 trillion per year to enable Congress to balance the budget.

Federal employees have been reported at 3 million and Spending has been reported at $7 trillion. Bureaucrats will be eliminated

Grant Programs will be reduced or eliminated. AI automation will allow government employees to reduce costs and improve accuracy. USAID has been transferred to the State Department. States have  EPA, DOT, Education and Labor Departments. Counties have School Boards. Federal Grants to States funds half of all State Budgets. Federal Grants to States need to be reduced or eliminated, leaving the states, cities and counties responsible for funding their own spending.

Federal  #Employees  Spending

Total        2.95 million   $6.75 trillion

DOD       3,400,000      $841.4B

DOT           58,502       $145.3B

USPS        636,966      $15.8B

DOJ          116,900      $67.06B

Treas        100,000      $2.2T

IRS             90,000      $12.3B

State Dept  79,011      $63.1B

Interior        70,000     $92.91B

Soc Sec      60,000     $14.2B

Commerce 47,000      $11.4B

FBI             36,945      $11.4B

CIA            21,575      $72.4B

EPA           17,202      $11B

Labor         16,922      $71.28B

Secret Svc  8,300       $3.1B

SEC            4,807       $2.1B

Educ           4,400      $241.66B

Cap Police  2,300      $460M

BLS            2,100       see Labor   

FCC           1,742       $390.2B

FTC            1,000      $425.7B

WH Staff      377

What does the US spend the most money on?

Spending Categories

21% Social Security.

18% National Defense.

15% Health.

14% Net Interest.

13% Medicare.

 8% Income Security.

 5% Veterans Benefits and Services.

 4% Education, Training, Employment, and Social Services.

 2% Transportation

 2% Natural Resources

 2% Other

US State & County Employees

Total                      20.5 million

Public School         6,771,787

Colleges                3,935,708

Police                    1,280,000

Private School         487,577

Road Construction  307,595

Waste Disposal      146,400

Water Sewer          124,700

Regulated Utilities Employees

Electric Power        177,000

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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