Friday, September 30, 2011

The Chess Game & The Economy

Building the Organization

There is an unholy alliance between a select group of global investors and our politicians and there has been for some time. Let's call them the Evil Empire guys. The Rothschild banking empire was built by lending money to kings and heads of state to wage wars and build capabilities to gain wealth. They also invented fractional banking.

In 1913, on Jekyll Island, bankers met to create the Federal Reserve and bribed the Congress to authorize it as the National Bank. The World Bank was created under the guise of helping third world countries develop. Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations became the U.N., The World trade organization, and the G-20 and many more organizations were formed. Each organization has its role. The role of the U.S. government is to act as an insurance company for the banks. Instead of paying a premium, the largest global companies make campaign contributions to candidates to help them get elected. In return, the politicians create laws to benefit these large investors and global executives.

False Pretense

Most legislation is built on false pretences. The Federal Reserve wasn’t established to stabilize the banking system; it was established to provide a slush fund for international investors, U.S. politicians and their supporters. These investors may receive printed dollars to gamble on high cost ventures. Investors “borrow” money” from the central banks who get printed dollars from the Federal Reserve.. Politicians pass legislation that opens new windows of opportunity.

Congress passed the Civil Rights act to create a class of “victims”, whose victimhood could not be questioned. Congress established HUD and passed the Community Reinvestment Act of 1992, ostensibly to help “disadvantaged minorities” secure home mortgages.

In ensuing years other laws were repealed like the Glass Steagall Act to allow banks to become investment companies, opening the door to the creation of derivatives, credit default swaps and bundled mortgage securities.. Congress didn’t react when questions arose and agencies didn’t regulate these businesses. It was not an innocent mistake; it was the plan. Big investment companies wanted to sell derivatives and credit default swaps, so they could “bet” on investments going up and down and bundle and sell mortgages as securities to off-load the risk.

One clever investor believed housing values would fall, so he bought contracts that allowed him to “bet” that housing prices would fall and foreclosures would result. The bankers he proposed this to were busy cheerleading for the housing mortgage markets and securities and didn’t believe it was possible for these assets to lose value.

George Soros (spooky dude),gave campaign contributions to Liberal candidates for Parliament in the U.K., knowing they would run up government debt by spending wildly on social welfare plans. They did and that set the Pound Sterling up to devalue. Soros “bet” that would happen and it did.

U.S. CEOs gave campaign contributions to Obama, knowing he would polarize elected officials and destabilize the economy, so they could profit from the 2008 Meltdown, the devaluation of the U.S. dollar and the rise in gold prices. Now Soros has moved his money to derivatives and credit default swaps. He is betting on the decline of the U.S. economy he helped to create.

With different groups doing their part, these vultures are preparing to profit from the bursting of the following bubbles, including the consumer credit meltdown, the U.S. federal government debt crash and the U.S dollar crash.

The politicians who support the agenda of the chess players are those who voted for the Dodd Frank bill, both Republicans and Democrats. They take turns supporting some bills and opposing others.

Select Republicans supported NAFTA, other Republicans and Democrats voted for it because they believed that our companies should be free to move manufacturing and other operations to wherever they wanted to move them. They made a dive for low wage and low regulation in disadvantaged countries. The State Department loved it. We didn't mind, because they could produce manufactured goods cheaper. If we hadn't allow these companies the freedom to move, they might have moved their entire company to a country who would let them operate they way they wanted. We were right to protect companies’ freedom, but in this case, our principled decision to not interfere resulted in the flight of manufacturing out of the US. Democrats always supported organized labor. Their job was to drive manufacturing out of the country. Everybody did their job.

These scams are usually accompanied by urgency,(“we need do this immediately’), or pomposity, (“only fools oppose this”) or a lie (“Most Americans support this”). There is usually a bluff involved ((“If we don’t pass this, we will shut down the government”).

The US Communist Party has never abandoned the plan they established decades ago; it’s the same plan this group is using.

This Evil guys' group was surely involved in the creation of the 1992 Earth Summit, the global warming hoax, UN Agenda 21, ICLEI and Project 60. Obama is funneling billions of dollars into building the infrastructure that would allow for transit villages, and US insolvency.

Developing Countermeasures

Conservative Americans who oppose this regime have some of the pieces needed to challenge this Progressive advance. We have think tanks, tons of conservative talk shows, organizations, politicians and the Tea Parties. We need a coordinated game plan and the tools needed to dismantle this well oiled Progressive machine. We also need to be better chess players and poker players. We stop short when we merely identify the need to pass or repeal a bill or regulation. We need to think it through, so our moves are not countered by bluffs. We need a way to win.

Current Opportunities


The federal government spends $1.6 trillion a year more than it receives in revenue. It also has departments and agencies that exist in violation of the Constitution and the 10th Amendment. These departments and agencies are killing our economy with their relentless pursuit of countless ways to obstruct commerce and they cost $1.6 billion a year to operate...perfect. If we closed these departments and agencies, we would balance the budget, comply with the Constitution, end the obstruction and the economy would improve. Unfortunately, the Evil Empire guys wouldn’t be able to profit from our demise...…unfortunate.


There are really two investor groups. There are those who own companies and the gamblers. Both groups have used “events” and value swings to profit. The 401k group is looking for somewhere else to put their money.

Liberal Factions

Ivy league graduates who won Rhodes or Fulbright scholarships have become suspect. Oxford is the seat of government managed economics. Conservatives prefer Milton Friedman and the Austrian economists..

Dismantling the Evil System

The Federal Government should pass a balanced budget amendment and end the need for the Fed’s printing press.

The Federal Reserve should be audited now and closed as soon as possible, to eliminate the slush fund. The market can set the interest rate and the Treasury can manage the currency ...and could report to the Congress.

Congress should abolish most of its committees and find enough time to read bills and clean up their act.

The rest of the noncompliant Federal Departments should be closed and these responsibilities returned to the States or the People.

The US should resign from the UN and move it to Brussels or just close it. The IMF and WTO should be abandoned and defunded.

Companies should handle their own relationships with customers and vendors in other countries. The introduction services performed by the State Department should be replaced by private consulting companies or banks.

All government to government US foreign aid should be defunded, including military aid, except for Israel. Noncritical foreign US Military bases should be closed.

Campaign laws should be changed to only allow registered voters to make campaign contributions and only to those who will appear on their Ballots. Special interests can run their own ads.

Norb Leahy

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