Sunday, January 29, 2012

Rockdale County Republicans say No TSPLOST / TIA


A Resolution,

Whereas, the passage of HB277 has created 12 regions throughout the State of Georgia for the purpose of administering transportation projects, and

Whereas, the funding mechanism to be used to fund projects within these 12 regions calls for a 1% sales tax on purchases, but exempts any additional taxes on fuel, and

Whereas, the measure will appear on the upcoming July 31 ballot and the Governor and special interests around the state are spending millions of dollars in advertising supporting passage, and

The reported collections versus funds received back into Rockdale County by a newly formed government entity known as a "Transit Authority" and of the projected taxes collected, we are only guaranteed 28.9% for our County to spend, which does not include any administrative costs,, and

Whereas, these newly formed "Transit Authorities" will have extraordinary powers over local and county governments thus destroying the provision of "Home Rule" within our state Constitution, and these powers include a policing force, and the power of eminent domain that can take ownership of private land from landowners, and

Whereas, the elderly and poor especially those on fixed incomes will pay for these projects while the users of the systems such as the trucking industry are not affected with any new fees, therefore

Be it resolved that the delegates of the 2012 Rockdale County Convention hereby call for the repeal of HB 277 by our legislators, and

That Rockdale County if it desires, should have full control over any new sales taxes and would be better off passing a county sales tax if warranted, and

Be it resolved that the imposition of regional transit authorities, and the new taxes are in direct violation with the Republican Party principles of smaller local governments being more effective and violates our principle of promoting the free enterprise for our economy, and

Finally, be it resolved that the first measure of the sentiments of our delegates be known publicly as we urge all voters to vote against the measure on the July 31 ballot.

Read before the Rockdale County delegation on this 10th day of March in the year of our Lord 2012

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