Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Republican Party Split

There were 11,000 Ron Paul supporters in Tampa for the Ron Paul Rally and the RNC Convention.  Many of them were Ron Paul Delegates from dozens of states. 

Prior to the Convention, Ron Paul Delegates were blocked and replaced by State Party groups at RNC direction.  Dirty tricks permeated state and county meetings in state after state. 

Ron Paul had won Iowa and Maine and had delegates from Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the Virgin Islands.

At the convention, the RNC attempted to change their own rule that with a plurality of delegates in five states, an individual could have his name placed in nomination. There was an effort to change this five -state rule to 10 because Ron Paul had a plurality in Iowa, Maine

Also, at the Convention, Ron Paul Delegates were taken on a bus ride that ensured that they would miss the Rules Committee meeting where convention rules were being amended to block Ron Paul Delegates from casting their votes.

It wouldn’t have mattered if these Ron Paul votes were cast; Romney already had enough delegates to win.  The point of the RNC soviet tactics was to prevent that number from being made public and admit to this big ideological divide.  The significance of that number would have identified how many Constitutionally Conservative Delegates had made it through the State battles to vote for Ron Paul.

The 2010 Disappointment

In the 2010 election, Tea Partiers, who are mostly Constitutional Conservatives, worked to elect Republicans to the House to prevent profligate Democrat spending.  The Republicans took the house and the Democrats took the money and spent it anyway.  What’s worse, they spent it on crap.  We were Mad as Hell and we still are.   
Hold Your Nose and vote for Mitt

We spent the better part of 2012 watching the RNC contrive a Mitt Romney win.  Real conservatives were not thrilled with Mitt as our candidate.  We had flashbacks of McCain and the steaks were too high for that.

Caught on Tape

At the Convention, John Boehner was caught on tape as he ignored the louder Nay vote coming from the convention floor over the new rules that striped delegates of their votes at the convention.  He followed the teleprompter script instead..incredible…
Constitutional Conservative Party ?

It would seem that we are headed for the formation of a Constitutional Conservative Party some time after the November 2012 election.  This would include anybody who wants the government to live within its means and become compliant with the Constitution and Amendments (as written) in order to down-size the federal government and all levels of government.  The potential size of this new party could be estimated at over 50% of Republicans based on the voice vote to John Boehner’s announced rules change.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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