Sunday, December 8, 2013

Primary All RINOs Now

A Diabolical Agenda is Being Pushed Forward by the Democrats & the GOP

Many Americans find themselves wondering why the Republican Party is laying down like a wounded dog in the face of Obama’s increasing power grabs. Scandal after scandal and the best the GOP has done so far is finding Eric holder in contempt of congress. A window of opportunity is rapidly closing for the republicans as the continued discontent of Obamacare is all but washed away from the mainstream media amid claims of a new and improved website, at the cost of billions to the tax payer no less. True conservative Americans understand however, that the GOP is a generic brand that lost its flavor long ago. Infiltrated by the same leftists that have turned the democrat party into a bunch of rabid socialists, the republicans are rapidly losing the support of their constituency and it is likely that a push for a third party will soon begin. The problem is, far too many Americans don’t know or simply have forgotten how rotten the GOP really is.
Would you like to be reminded why the republicans won’t lift a finger to challenge the rampant voter fraud in the 2012 elections? They are barred from doing so according to a law suit filed against them in 1981 by the democrat party. You see, while you and are continually referred to as being racist for questioning Obama; and the democrats continually play the race card in order to eliminate voter ID laws, it seems this is something that the Republican Party has actually brought to bear upon us in the New Jersey gubernatorial elections of 1981. The Republican Party literally did attempt to disenfranchise minority voters in an attempt to manipulate the vote. Obama and his radical leftists are using this to their fullest advantage as one of the terms of the lawsuit was in fact, an agreement between the RNC and the DNC that the republicans would not pursue voter fraud until this decision has been reversed by a federal appeals court. Well, guess who appointed the judge the republicans had to appeal to in the 2012 elections for reversal? You got it, President Obama. Folks, the democrats have been planning these victory’s for 30 years all because these republicans had to be the racist, vote denying scum bags the democrats always accuse them of being. You can read the full story of this account here.

This story was real upsetting to me because of the way the radical leftist professors I had to endure kept referring to the republicans as being racist. I came running to their defense telling stories of how the republican party was founded to free the slaves and how it was a republican president that achieved desegregation. It appears, for all practical purposes in this incident anyways, that the republicans have chosen to dishonor their heritage. It is true that the democrats have worked wonders all throughout the second half of the twentieth century ensuring the majority of black voters would vote democrat. To quote Lyndon B. Johnson upon his signing the republican introduced civil rights legislation-”I’ll have those ni***rs voting democrat for the next two hundred years.” Perhaps if the republicans could just find a way to disseminate that information more minority voters would want to vote republican.
If that story wasn’t bad enough, it gets worse. Now, I can’t verify the accuracy of this information any better than the next guy. There are plenty of sites that are claiming it is true and there are others that are claiming it is disinformation. I have to say however, the validity of the story above gives the next one a bit more credibility when you sit and wonder why the republicans are mere putty in the hands of a master Alinskyite.

Why won’t the GOP make a serious effort to combat the negative effects of Obamacare? Many times even I assumed it was because they were afraid of being called a racist, or they were petrified of being portrayed as unwilling to compromise or negotiate. That isn’t it; they are likely being held ransom by a radical who would tell their voters that it was their idea in the first place. Again, there are many sites that are claiming this is true and many others claiming that it isn’t. What I can offer you for evidence however is the document put forth by the conservatives cherished organization, The Heritage Foundation, in which they are calling for an individual mandate where Americans are required to obtain adequate insurance. This document is from 1989 and can be seen here. (Editor’s Note: Heritage does attempt a rebuttal of the charges made in the article linked to. I’ll let the reader decide if it is valid or not.)
I was equally displeased to discover this because I receive daily news letters from The Heritage Foundation.

This information makes you wonder what kind of sweet deals are being made in Washington D.C. between our so called republican party and the dastardly democrats. Whatever they happen to be, they have been orchestrated by the Devil. These people not only have sold their own souls for power and prestige, they have offered us up for a feast so they can maintain it.
The reality of the situation is a stone cold truth that failing to realize will only guarantee our destruction. These two parties are working in cahoots with one another folks. Many Americans are slowly awakening to this reality, though I don’t know if it could be more apparent than watching King Obama carry forth the same tyrannical policies such as The Patriot Act, over from the Bush administration.

We are being held prisoners in the confines of our own minds people. The media, in all of its aspects, propagate the illusions of a concrete difference between liberals and conservatives, left and right, democrat and republican by defining issues for us and telling us what we have to accept in order to fall into one of these categories. For instance, you can’t be a liberal if you don’t support abortion. Thankfully, as an educated conservative I can say this tactic works much better on liberals because they are generally much more unsure of themselves than conservatives are, we tend to be more absolute. That’s beside the point, which is, we are being fooled into believing we can’t get along. The issues are decided and defined for us by the media programming that tells us what to think.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out the republicans actually agreed to play the bad guys in an effort to give credibility to Obama. They will let Obama continue to call them racist if he lets them have a couple more senate seats. They will pretend not to notice that the Obamacare website is still a disaster as long as Obama doesn’t tell anyone that they secretly admire it. They continue to play the opposition as long as they are invited to the big after work dinner parties.

I also wouldn’t be surprised to see some mediocre republican beat out Hillary Clinton just to fan the flames of discontent a bit. While everyone would fall back to sleep under the illusion that the republican will make it all better, he, or she, will carry the same diabolical agenda forward an inch, instead of a mile at a time. After all, that’s the real difference between today’s republicans and democrats.

Communist infiltration of the US government is bi-partisan. Democrats carry the ball and RINOs block their own team’s passes.  Most of us link the increasing tyranny of our own federal government over the past 100 years to the death by 1000 cuts to our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Republicans who vote for unconstitutional legislation must be primaried in 2014. We don’t have much time. You need to do your homework. Taking the US Senate from the Communists in 2014 is the critical.

“How they Voted” Conservative websites will give you scores and letter grades to identify how closely your representatives’ votes aligned with the Constitution.  These include: New American Freedom Index, Heritage Action, Numbers USA and Club for Growth for federal legislators and for state legislators.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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