Friday, February 6, 2015

The Future of Farming

A "new food revolution" has just gotten started by government scientists and it could easily triple early investors' money .Inside this special investigative report by Brad Hoppman:
How a government experiment is about to make "farm to table" eating a reality anywhere in the world ... Why this developing story will send certain stocks soaring as much as 221% this  year ... And  what you must do right away to capture those potential windfall profits!
Next time you stroll through your local grocery store's produce   aisle, take a look at some of the fruits and vegetables ...   particularly where they came from. You'll see berries from Chile ... bananas from Costa Rica ... asparagus from Peru ...  tomatoes from Mexico ... and on and on.
In fact, the grim reality is that much of our "fresh" produce comes   from very far-away places and was harvested many weeks ago. That's bad whatever way you look at it:
 It exposes us to food being produced in places that may not care about quality standards ...  It robs us of the nutrients and flavors that truly fresh foods deliver.. It makes us more dependent on foreign countries ...  It wastes copious amounts of energy and other resources during  transportation ... And it forces farmers and shipping companies to use more chemical  pesticides and preservatives throughout the entire food chain.
So the bottom line is that our current food system is giving us worse products at higher prices!  In fact, as much as 12% of every dollar we spend on food goes toward transportation costs. Or, to say it in reverse, our grocery bills could automatically go down more than $10 for every $100 we spend just by simply buying food grown closer to our houses. Better yet, we wouldn't be eating things that were picked weeks ago thousands of miles away then sprayed with all kinds of chemicals and gases to keep them fresh on the long journey to our stores.
The problem, of course, is that truly eating "fresh and local" —   which has become a  very popular mantra in recent years — is a lot harder than it sounds.
If you live in a hot climate like I do, you'd be limited to oranges, hot peppers, and other tropical items. If you live in most other parts of the U.S., you'd probably be eating potatoes and apples eight months out of the year. And let's not forget that there are plenty of places in the world where ANY type of food is still a massive luxury!
Yet I believe one single technological innovation is about to change our entire global food system. In fact ... Someday in the near future you might be eating fresh,   local bananas in Washington State or vine-ripened New York City tomatoes in the middle of January!
Likewise, parts of the world that are struggling to produce enough food just to feed their populations will have their own local, cost-efficient agricultural operations. Most importantly, I'm utterly convinced that this rapidly-evolving   situation is also  going to make early investors very wealthy along the way.
But before I get into the specific stocks you should consider   buying, let me first explain how I accidentally stumbled upon this whole situation ...A World-Altering Discovery on a Deserted Country Road in Florida
My name is Brad Hoppmann and I lead a small group of investment analysts and researchers.  Our sole job is uncovering great investment ideas, whether they're   small companies in Asia or big blue-chip names operating here in the United States. But I never thought a drive down a rural road would hand   me the biggest investment idea of my career.
It was dusk and I was heading back to my house through South   Florida's legendary horse country — the same area where billionaires   and celebrities keep and train their  stables of polo horses. As you can imagine, the whole area is a grand expanse of flat, fenced fields peppered with houses, barns, and other farm structures. And as night rolls in, everything goes really dark, really fast. That's why one property at the end of a dirt road completely stood out from everything else.
Not only were there a series of identical glass buildings one after another, they were beaming light in every direction.  And when I say "beaming light," I mean they were absolutely glowing like spaceships landing in the middle of nowhere!  Clearly, these structures didn't have anything to do with horses. And   they were too small to be indoor stadiums or training facilities.
So I slowed my car down to get a better look at the sign posted on the country mailbox. And after I researched the name I had written down, it all made perfect sense:
It turns out those glowing glass houses were part of a U.S. government-run indoor farming operation! But what was inside those structures is what's really important. In fact, I think it will completely revolutionize our entire food system over the next few years, making early investors very   wealthy in the process.
After I figured out what the glowing structures were, I went back to look at them in the daylight. They weren't greenhouses in the traditional sense because they were clearly relying on artificial lights at night.
Even weirder, I didn't see many external fans on the buildings. You see, indoor grow rooms usually need a lot of air circulation to remove the carbon dioxide and bring in lots of fresh oxygen.
And more importantly, they need lots of fans to regulate the massive   amounts of heat that traditional sodium and halide grow lights kick off. Too much heat and the plants get scorched, the crops fail, and the whole operation goes belly up. In fact, as Gary Allen — a prominent scientist and lighting engineer —puts it: "The two most desirable attributes in today's plant-growing applications are the control of the spectral content of the light and high efficiency (low heat load and low operating cost)."
So realistically, the holy grail of indoor plant cultivation has always been just the right type of light bulb. One that provides all the spectrums needed for various stages of plant growth ... One that doesn't kick off large amounts of heat
And one that is also as energy and cost efficient as possible.
Until very recently, that type of perfect light source was a pipe dream. In fact, my research indicates the lack of optimal grow lights has been the number one reason that indoor cultivation of various agricultural crops has never really reached critical mass. That's why I've become so interested, obsessed actually, with that indoor farm up the road from my house.
You see, the government scientists there are using a new type of   light made by a very forward-thinking technology company ... the same firm that I think you should consider investing in right away. This company produces a light that has all the qualities that agricultural scientists have been dreaming of for decades ... and MORE.
In their pursuit to research better ways to farm, U.S government scientists discovered their test plants each had separate "light codes."  These light codes within each plant respond to different volts of energy given off by the LED lighting.
And after seeing the remarkable success this new LED technology had in government test facilities like the one near my house, scientists are now using this same approach with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
The goal of these indoor farms: To grow food at rates never before achieved and irrespective of location or climate.  In short, this breakthrough may very well end up solving world hunger.
Just consider what's happening in Japan, where one of the first indoor vertical food farms is harnessing this technology.
Spread over 25,000 square feet, the indoor garden's 17,500 LED lights cover 18 cultivation racks growing heads of lettuce. And the results so far have been remarkable.
Using this new LED technology, scientists have discovered the light code needed to produce lettuce at an optimal growth rate. This indoor farm can produce lettuce two and a half times faster than a traditional outdoor farm!
Purple lighting is used to mimic night, while white lights are   adjusted slowly throughout the day to mimic a sun moving through the   sky. By achieving a combination of photosynthesis during the day and   breathing at night, the farm can control the growing environment  perfectly.
This approach also cuts water usage to just 1% of what a comparable outdoor field needs, conserving a massive amount of water and allowing   crops to be grown in climates  usually too dry for regular farming techniques. And as I mentioned, every type of food has its own unique light code.
Scientists are now rapidly figuring out each one in order to mass produce supplies at a rate the world has never before seen. That means the demand for these lights is only beginning. In the U.S, Indiana-based Green Sense Farms is the largest indoor, commercial, vertical farm in the US.
Located in the Chicago area, the company has a local market potential of 20,000,000 people just within 75 miles of its facility. The company's operation already uses 1/10th the resources of outdoor farming in terms of water, land, and fertilizer.
The controlled indoor environment also enables Green Sense to grow its crops without harmful pesticides or herbicides. Serving a local market means no preservatives, either, which cause harmful diseases such as cancer and heart disease. And the potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions related to transportation is another plus.
So again, just think what this technology means for our country and the rest of the world!  And also consider the massive investment potential for those of us   who invest as this new wave of indoor farming is taking off!
Also remember that we will be doing well by doing good!
Currently, the world population stands at about 7 billion. Among   them, about 800 million to 900 million people are suffering from starvation, or close to it.
People around the world are all wondering how we can produce enough food — in their immediate areas — to  mitigate this problem.
According to The Economist .. "In the next 40 years, humans  will need to produce more food than  they did in the previous 10,000 put  together. But with sprawling cities gobbling up arable land, agricultural productivity gains decreasing, and demand for biofuels increasing, supply is not keeping up with demand."
I believe indoor vertical farming is the solution to this grave   situation. Using this new technology we can build plant factories all over the world, and create enough supply to feed the entire world's population.
Now that my favorite company's light bulb is here and being used, I believe it will quickly begin changing agricultural operations around the world. And since the company is publicly traded, you can invest in it right now. Again, this isn't really about the production of hemp or medical marijuana ... though that alone is obviously a HUGE potential market in   and of itself.
This is really about cost-effective indoor growing facilities sprouting up all over the country that could soon be    producing all the fresh, local produce your town needs — regardless of the season or the prevailing growing conditions outdoors.
Just think of what kind of boom that might be — not just for my favorite company making these grow lights but for plenty of other related businesses ... and ultimately  the entire global economy. For investors who understand the transformation taking place right now, the near-term profit potential is absolutely HUGE. But you have to act quickly.
Advanced LED Grow Lights Are ALREADY Starting to Turn the Entire Food Industry Inside Out! In addition to the examples I've already cited, consider a San Jose-based company called Ecopia Farms.
They're now operating indoor food growing facilities in major urban areas that produce organically-certified lettuces, greens, and other foods year round. They sell the freshly-picked produce directly to regular consumers as well as restaurants. No tractors. No worries about too much rain or seasonal shifts. Just high-quality food grown under perfectly-repeatable conditions.
And sure, it's easy to dismiss this as yet another hippie-dippy   subculture thing, but as an investment analyst I'd urge you to put aside any personal feelings you might have one way or the other and simply consider the financial implications of getting in on this trend early.
Remember, a lot of investors felt the same way about hybrid cars and solar technology. Yet Toyota's Prius hybrid cars are now one of the top three selling models in the world ... Nearly all the major automakers have since embraced electric car concepts ...And Tesla Motors soared more than 1,300% in two years, making early investors fabulously wealthy along the way ...
Meanwhile, I probably don't have to tell you how much more money people made from solar stocks or other new tech startups over the last few years. That brings me to perhaps the most important point I can possibly make. Investing in My Favorite Stock Is Like Betting on ALL of These Red-Hot Trends Simultaneously!
Energy. Technology. Solar. Rising food prices. Those have literally been the biggest themes on Wall Street over the last few years ... and for good reason: They are all huge areas of growth. Money is pouring into all of these industries, creating a virtual tidal wave of profits and investor interest. I'm utterly convinced that this same influx of cash is going to   double or triple the value of my favorite "future of farming" stocks over the next year.
And through hundreds of hours of research my team and I have   determined the three companies responsible for this coming indoor farming revolution. Which is why I would like to send you an urgent report called "Genesis Investing: The Power to Create a Fortune"
In this powerful research report, I will tell you everything you need to know about how you can begin investing in the indoor farming revolution getting underway, including the three best companies we recommend buying right now.
The first stock, which is far and away my favorite, is none   other than the company that makes the glowing lights that I saw that fateful evening in the Florida countryside. While this company's products are already being used around the world, very few investors realize how much GROWTH is on the horizon.
Just consider this: As a broad category, annual sales of light bulbs already exceed $1 trillion. Yes, you heard that right.  Not a million ... not a billion ... but a TRILLION dollars a year. Yet that is largely from residential and commercial lighting, not indoor farming.
As a whole new market opens up for my favorite   investment's LED lights, it's conceivable that the company could see tens of billions more in annual sales. In fact, sales have already been rising 35% a quarter. Not to mention that the firm's projected sales for LED lights are expected to DOUBLE again. And quite frankly, its closest competitors aren't even in the same league. No wonder cash is pouring into the company's coffers to the tune of $90 million a quarter!
I also like the fact that this particular company manages its    finances very conservatively — with almost zero debt on the books. And the firm is actively repurchasing its own shares — with more    than half a billion dollars committed to that purpose just for this year alone. I probably don't need to tell you that a company aggressively buying back its own stock is a great indicator of management's belief in the business.
But what makes this stock a real bargain RIGHT NOW is that the shares haven't yet priced in any of the explosive growth I see coming. In fact, they're not even as high as they've been in the past!
All told, just a return to the stock's previous level would already hand you a quick 221% return on every dollar invested. Then, as more and more  indoor farms spring up and demand for the company's products skyrockets, you  could easily continue earning   another 20% a year on your initial investment ...  doubling your money   every four years!
Again, I'll tell you all the specifics on this company including the name, ticker symbol, how much to pay for it, and a whole lot more —   in your very own Genesis Investing report. In addition, I'll introduce you to two more stocks that also  stand   to benefit from the indoor farming revolution about to take place ...
Genesis Investment #2
In the book of Genesis, the universe required not just light, but also earth. And the indoor farming revolution will require natural fertilizer to grow food successfully, too. That's why the second Genesis Investment I would like to share with you today is a no-brainer. This company is a hands-down pick to provide indoor farms with the best and highest-quality fertilizer on the planet.
With just the United States' population rising above 315 million people alone, we're going to need a lot of food and a lot of fertilized soil to grow it. This company produces a special organic fertilizer that promotes plant growth, strengthens plant stalks and roots, enhances water retention, helps crops fight disease and injury, improves yield, and raises quality.
And we believe this company will be the primary supplier of natural fertilizer to a growing wave of indoor farms, resulting in massive profits and growth for this company. Just in 2015 alone, this firm is projected to increase its    production by almost 20% while lowering its cost of production at the same time!
Higher prices, reduced production cost, and lower capital   expenditures will translate into higher free cash flow, which will be available to the company for dividend payments.
So not only could this  company see massive growth from   indoor farming — resulting in some potentially  massive capital gains   for you — it's also going to pay out rich dividends to you along the way!
Of course, I believe the boom in indoor farming is going to require more than just one company to provide soils and fertilizers. Which brings us to the final Genesis Investment you can make today.
Genesis Investment #3
When it comes to farming — and life itself — there are some nutrients that are absolutely vital. Which is why I believe this final Genesis Investment is so important to the future of food growth and the survival of our society — it's the leading provider of one of those essential nutrients. What's even more interesting is that this company should be able to use lower energy prices to greatly boost the money it makes selling its products.
In fact, when you combine its lower costs with soaring   demand for agricultural products like corn and rice, I think this stock could easily double from its current level ... BEFORE I factor in the effect of new demand from an indoor farming revolution.
Source: Brad Hoppmann, Publisher Uncommon Wisdom Daily

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