Thursday, February 18, 2016

George HW Bush’s Worst Mistakes

In 1992, George HW Bush went to the UN and made the horrendous decision to sign on to UN Agenda 21. This UN conference was the Earth Summit on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, June 3-14, 1992.

In 1989, Bush allowed legal immigration to double from a half million to a million a year. This should not have been allowed.

In 1980, Reagan won the nomination on his own. Bush was not Reagan’s pick as VP, but was handed to Reagan by the NRC. In 1989, on Bush’s watch, the cold war ended. The USSR dissolved, the satellite countries were released and what was left became Russia, but this was Reagan’s win.

In 1988, Bush won the Presidency based on Reagan’s record.  In 1990 Bush did a good job of amassing a multi-country coalition to drive Iraq out of Kuwait and showed good judgment by leaving the military plan to the USDOD.   

From 1988 to 1992, Bush signed all the useless laws the Democrats had wanted but were denied during the Reagan years. Bush was never a conservative or a populist; he was always a big government liberal running as a republican. In 1992, the recession and his inability to recognize the will of the voters prompted Ross Perot to run as a third party candidate and the result was the election of Bill Clinton.

Bush bought every UN lie and scheme without question, no matter how bizarre it might be. He bought the global warming scam, the excessive immigration scam and multicultural scam and didn’t object to the UN’s attempts to usurp US sovereignty.   

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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