Saturday, June 25, 2016

UK Parliament To Dos

The UK Parliament needs to understand that the EU made a fatal error in approving the UN Refugee Resettlement Program for the EU.  They need to know that it is in the best interest of the British people to begin making changes immediately and do so unilaterally.

The UK Parliament needs to notify the EU that they will stop payments to the EU on a date certain and will begin changing UK law immediately.

The UK Parliament needs to make some immediate changes to UK law that will signal their intent to give British working classes some relief

If the members of the UK Parliament are smart, they will draw up a list of reforms to give working-class Brits a break and start restoring the takeaways.  

The British family fishermen lost their fishing rights during one of these takeaways and the UK government even bought their boats.  They are not happy. They need to be able to return to earning their living by fishing.  They would be independent small businesses.  The British Navy should visibly ensure that British waters are restored by a date certain. 

Many other initiatives should be taken to redress other grievances expressed by the British citizens over the years, similar to the fishing restrictions and these restrictions should be lifted immediately as well.

The list of these immediate changes should be delivered to the EU offices as soon as the initial list is completed along with the warning that other lists will be developed and forwarded.

All of this could begin with the passage of the 2016 UK Sovereignty Law declaring the UK’s independence from the EU.  The UK Parliament should assume that their status as a non-EU nation would be the same as any other non-EU nation doing business with EU countries.

The UK Parliament should cut corporate taxes for UK companies and reduce unnecessary regulations to offset some of the expenses these companies will have to pay resulting from this break with the EU.

It is likely that the citizens of France, Sweden and Germany will want to vote to leave the EU if and when a Referendum vote is permitted.  Even citizens in financially weaker countries like Spain, Italy and Greece have asked for a Referendum vote to leave the EU.

That should signal the EU to reduce its footprint to administer current trade agreements for companies that need them until previous member countries are on their own.  If the EU insists on dragging this out, the UK should cut them off.

The EU should close and give some of its buildings in Brussels to the UN, who will need a headquarters for third-world country meetings as soon as the US throws them out of New York.  The other buildings could be used as meeting facilities by the developed countries who quit the UN for their trade organization meetings.

Muslim immigrant and refugee sexual assault, human trafficking and mass murder attack cases have stunned all European countries and UK voters are refusing to put up with this.

Excessive immigration of Muslims from Pakistan has ruined the Public Schools where these “out of control” students prey on teachers and white students.  These schools need to be exposed and dealt with or closed.

No-Go zones in the UK are a nightmare.  UK citizens would like to see government deal with these by sending Muslims back to their home countries. Closing Sharia courts is a good first step.

Sharia law needs to be expunged from European countries because it is incompatible with the laws of these countries.  Muslims who prefer Sharia law would of course be free to relocate to Muslim countries where they have Sharia law.

Refugee resettlements in Muslim countries should be established in safe areas as soon as possible to divert refugees to these facilities.  Developed Muslim countries should arrange for these to be built and should pay the cost.

Refugees who are on welfare plans in developed countries should be given a date certain when these welfare payments would cease.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party

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