Thursday, October 6, 2016


by Ryan Messano Oct 4, 2016 - writerbeat

For all the hullabaloo the Democrats and the Media are kicking up about Donald Trump, let’s not forget the Communist party is supporting Hillary Clinton.  Oh sure, you can say Trump is impulsive, that he calls women mean names, and that media thieves have uncovered Trump had nearly a billion dollars of losses on his taxes in one year.  But do we remember exactly what communism stands for?  Do we forget the killings that took place under Mao?  Do we forget the Gulag Archipelago in Russia?  Do we forget the millions of bones that litter graveyards of those two countries from people who were murdered in cold blood?  Do we forget the dangers that secular progressivism poses to our country?  Are any of us such fools that we think our nation was founded upon secular progressive ideals and that it can long last under the brutal authoritarian nature of secular progressivism? 

Do we forget that the same foreign nations, the obsequious and sycophantic media, the entertainment figures and sports stars who support Hillary today, lovingly adored Obama in 2008?  Do we forget we were lied to, deceived, manipulated and nearly bankrupted by this corrupt man’s policies?  Do we fail to understand that Hillary Clinton is even worse than Obama?  Are we naïve and gullible and buying the nonsense that those who oppose Hillary and Obama must necessarily be sexist and racist?   Do we not understand career politicians are destroying our nation and that Hillary and Bill are two of the most morally corrupt politicians in our nation’s history? 

Do we know what happens under communism?  Do we remember before Communists took control in Russia and China that financial and moral injustices were present, just like in America today?  Do we want to make the same mistake those nations made and elect leaders who will harm us greater than any harm we have experienced before in our history?  Let’s not beat around the bush.  Hillary Clinton is an EVIL woman.  Donald Trump is no saint himself, but at least he has a compass pointing in the right direction in spite of all of his missteps.   Do we want to keep the First and Second Amendments, guaranteeing our rights to speak freely and to bear arms without government interference, or do we wish to become slaves and relinquish these rights?  Do we wish to have four Supreme Court justices appointed by Hillary, ensuring our court will be dominated by radical leftists for decades into the future?  Do we know what history says this will give to our children?  What kind of fools are we going to be for electing Hillary?  Why is one American going to vote for Hillary? 

John Adams, our 2nd President (no he didn’t have any slaves and he was a Christian for you duped liberals who are convinced all the Founders were slave holding atheists), said this, “    We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”.  If he understood we would be supporting the Clinton’s after what they did to our nation under Bill’s atrocious reign he would be shocked!!   How can an entire nation be so stupid as to vote for the spouse of a man who has the self-control of a libertine just 16 years after he left office?!

It's an absolute shame that we have these two candidates, but it is going to be an even worse shame if our own apathy, corruption, and unbridled immorality deludes us into electing Hillary.  Those of you who are responsible for selecting Hillary to our government are going to have to face the same questions those who supported the communists in power in Russia and China face.  Anyone think history fondly remembers those people? History despises them, and it will despise Hillary supporters as well.  As for the idea that Trump is some kind of dictator in the mold of Hitler, that is absolutely ridiculous.  Hitler was a wandering vagabond before he got into politics, Trump was a businessman who has interacted with people from all walks of life in America.  I hate that Trump is the Republican Parties representative and am certainly no fan of his.  But America has cancer, and we need chemotherapy.  It’s going to be painful, but Trump is the treatment we need.  If we don’t elect Trump our stage four cancer is going to get worse.  Electing Hillary is tantamount to a lifelong smoker, who has stage 4 cancer, and thinks that smoking some more cigarettes will cure the problem.

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