Saturday, October 15, 2016

Consumer Demand Rules the Global Economy

Governments and banks pose and pretend that they are helping their economies.  Big Global corporations scramble to monitor the vital signs in their customer targets and continue to implement their monopolies.

Until third-world governments allow more freedom and property rights and the rule of law, the populations in these countries will continue to struggle for their existence. Despite the success China had by allowing its agriculture to privatize, other backward governments have not done this.  Increasing US exports is solely determined by the rising prosperity of other countries.

Our own prosperity can easily be improved, because we have the largest consumer economy on the planet with a $17 Trillion annual GDP.  We need to implement Trump’s economic plan in 2017 to reduce immigration and corporate taxes and allow companies to keep and return their manufacturing operations back to the US and unleash US business from unnecessary regulations.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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