Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Excessive Immigration & Excessive Unemployment

We have added 60 million immigrants to the US population over the past 40 years.

We’ve aborted about 60 million babies in the US over the past 40 years. Total abortions in US from 1973 to 2016 rose to 58,586,256.

We would have been better off if we had rejected Roe v Wade and also kept immigration at low levels.

The current US population includes a record 61 million immigrants and their American-born children now live in the United States — including an estimated 15.7 million who live here illegally, an analysis of Census data shows.

We have 94.4 million working-age US citizens without jobs. 

Our job creation capacity in the US has been to add 1.8 million, mostly minimum wage jobs a year.  We graduated about 1.8 million into the US workforce, but they didn’t get the jobs.  The 1.8 million immigrants we brought in each year got the jobs.  That’s why we have 35.764 more systemically unemployed US citizens today than we had in1975.

In 1975, the number of working-age US citizens without jobs was 58,627.  Now in 2016, the number of working-age US citizens without jobs is 94,391.

In 1975, the number of US citizens working was 77297.  Housewives were entering the workforce to pay for overspending by the Johnson administration.

In 1993 the number of US citizens working was 109,805.  Most households had men and women working.

Now in 2016, the number of US citizens with jobs is 144598.  The jobs added have been low-wage jobs.  Most manufacturing has been off-shored to avoid higher US taxes, regulations, cost of living, unions, pensions and wages.

The US population stood at 324,227,000 on August 13, 2016.  In 1975, the US population was 215,465,000.  Our population has increased by 108,812,000 over the past 40 years thanks to excessive immigration.

If we could return our jobless numbers back to 1975 levels, we would need to reduce our 94.4 million jobless number to 58.6 million.  That would be 35.8 million jobs.  At the rate of an additional 1 million jobs a year, that would take 36 years.

If we stopped all immigration today, we would still not be able to reduce the number of working-age US citizens without jobs in time for them to recover from this treason. 

We are in a deep hole and need to stop almost all immigration for 36 years.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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