Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Government Closing

Trump’s hiring freeze on federal employees will help in lowering the excessive cost of government and shrinking government’s footprint.  Government, is the third segment of our economy that, along with education and healthcare, is overcharging and underperforming.

There are a myriad of things government does that are not necessary for government to do. These functions exist in a legion of departments, agencies and programs that are not authorized by the “enumerated powers” in the US Constitution. The FAA and TSA serve the airline industry, but why shouldn’t they provide these services at their own expense?  Why are these industries subsidized?  All federal departments should be able to stop UN Agenda 21 implementation and that will save $1 trillion a year.

The move to replace federal government pension plans with 401K plans combined with an “age weighted” supplemental defined contribution plan for those close to retirement would replace the defined benefit pension plans that currently have a liability of $1 trillion.

Moving functions from the federal to the State and local governments make sense, especially when these federal departments have done more harm than good, due to UN Agenda 21 implementation.

The federal government should give all federal lands and national parks and monuments back to the States to be put into productive use. This would eliminate most of the Interior Department’s most harmful unconstitutional functions.

Federal grants to States need to be reduced and that will effect more healthcare and education dollars. Strings attached to grants are used as bribes to get local governments to squander their own tax revenues on fluff and corporate welfare to underwrite economic development that should be paid by the private sector investors.

States also need to cut functions for things that only benefit counties and cities. There is no reason for the State to fund public transportation when it can function better in the private sector.  These entities are authorized to raise their own tax revenue and shouldn’t look for “hand-outs” from the State.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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