Monday, March 19, 2018

Saving Democrats from Themselves

The Democrat Party needs to crawl out of its socialist, victim-oriented, politics of division hole and return to their “we’re for the little guy” scam with some admission that the US should have more of a free-market private economy.

It appears that Conor Lamb could be the new face of the Democrat Party if he survives the recount for the Congressional Seat in Pennsylvania, but he will need to vote like he campaigned. Don’t hold your breath. He will be pushing for a bailout of the bankrupt union coal miner’s pension plan. But the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation holds the bag on this one. Lamb will also have to buck the Democrat establishment.

The Democrats need to lose the Communists and European-style Socialists and get a grip on how to function in this economy. The US has a private sector economy that pays for everything and should be bigger and a public sector that is an expensive disaster.

Despite the fact that the Democrats own the media, the universities, the public schools, seriously uninformed voters, illegal immigrants, refugees, criminals, dead voters, gays and trans-genders, America haters, global warming believers, Communists, Socialists, Muslims, angry blacks, angry women, wealthy globalist open-borders liberals, snowflakes, drug users, drug dealers, useful idiots, unionized government employees, globalist corporations, California, New England and Illinois, they have painted themselves in a corner and are losing “the little guys” that include 80% of legal US voters. As the manufacturing jobs return to the US their “little guy” category will shrink.

The 2018 elections will give us the scorecard we need to understand how voters are responding to their candidates. Unfortunately, most voters don’t know how their politicians really vote. What they campaign on may sound good, but be irrelevant, low priority or end up being undoable.

If Democrats continue to support open borders, UN rule, globalization, socialist programs, big expensive government, big welfare and continue to pander to the victim cults they have created, they will not do well except with their tiny cadre of “victims” and “useful idiots”. They are poised to overspend on campaigns, but their funding has been low.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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