Saturday, September 29, 2018

Lessons from Kavanaugh Soap Opera

The one lesson we learned in the Christine Ford testimony at the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation travesty was that anyone who is raped needs to go directly to the hospital to get a rape kit and an exam.  DNA is the best evidence to confirm that a copulation actually did occur. If the DNA matches a known criminal, the case is made.

If the DNA doesn’t match anybody on the criminal DNA database, police need to go fishing for a suspect. If the victim can direct a drawing of the suspect and identify scars or tattoos, that’s a start. The DNA is kept forever and is often matched years later with the criminal offender.

Sexual assault short of rape intercourse is harder to prove unless there is a video of the assault.  Short of that, witnesses who will testify to the assault may help in determining guilt.

Christine Ford is either the victim of her own delusions or is a partisan saboteur. She could also be both.

The final lesson is “never trust a Democrat”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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