Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Private Sector Economy

Countries need to expand their private sector jobs in order to improve their economies.  Private sector jobs include individually owned and family owned businesses, sole- proprietorships, private corporations and public corporations that receive their revenue by selling their products or services to customers.

Public sector jobs are government jobs that are funded all or in part by tax subsidies. This includes jobs in government, military, police, courts, public transit and public infrastructure. We can shrink these expenses with better behavior.

Some private sector companies are funded completely or in part from taxes like military equipment manufacturers and businesses who sell their products or services to the government. The revenue these government contractors receive for government work are paid with your tax dollars.

Rather than follow the US Constitution, legislatures have crossed the line and over-subsided activities that were once in the private sector. Prices exploded because consumers were not in charge of controlling the price. Education and Healthcare costs are unsustainable because of public schools, Medicare and Medicaid. Public transit is inefficient with buses and trains that run half-full and they don’t go where we need to go. Government entities like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Sallie Mae are loan companies that are backed and subsidized by taxes and should be privatized.

Social Security is a Ponzi scheme invented by government to provide disability insurance and retirement plans. But the tax deductions we pay to fund these go direct to the federal government. We need to transition this to become individual accounts that we own and that our families can inherit.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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