Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Japan Economy 4-23-24

Japan has a good economy despite their high Debt to GDP. They have a high personal savings rate that covers their Debt and a world-class auto and machinery industries. Japan developed hybrid technology and perfected automobile manufacturing. 

Nominal GDP 4.230T, Per Capita GDP $33,494 Population 122,631,122, Debt to GDP 217.3%

2021-2024 Inflation 17.2%, Unemployment 2.8%, Labor force 69.3M, Trade Surplus $17.4B.  In 2023, Japan’s global share of manufactured goods was 7.2%.

US Trade with Japan in 2023 created Deficit 71.175B,  Exports $76.165B Imports $147.340B.

Japan exports include cars, machinery, integrated circuits, refined gasoline and other goods.

Japan is a good customer for US oil and natural gas.


All Toyota Prius Hybrids are made in Japan. In 2005, when gas sent to $3/gallon we sold our 20mpg Cadillacs and bought 2 60mpg Toyota Prius Hybrids. We still have them.  I credit Japan for investing for over 20 years to perfect hybrid technology for automobiles. The Prius got 60 miles/gallon and the engine stopped when the car stopped. It was roomy, fast and a good highway and town car.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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