Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Biden’s Time Warp 7-17-24

Biden wants to return to the 1940s and 1950s when Labor Unions were in ascendance at 35% and the Cold War was in full bloom. But now, in the 2020s, Union Membership is down to 10% and the Cold War has morphed into factions based on government behaviors and bad actors needing to survive.  But in the US, Unions were adversarial and failed and Communism metastasized to random countries and is scattered.  Biden is delusional. Trump proved that war could be replaced by imposing total economic isolation on bad actors. Biden is proving that diplomacy using bribery and appeasement fails. Trump proved that terror groups like Isis could be eradicated by Special Operations military action.

Peace through Strength requires continuous improvement of military skills, accurate intelligence and superior weapons, but also required strategic manufacturing capability and a strong electrical grid.

Reducing US Energy Costs requires increasing production and providing pipelines to lower transport costs improve safety. Saudi Arabia has reduced their production costs to $10/barrel with pipelines and improvements in their drilling capabilities.

Improving the US Economy requires eliminating $2 trillion per year in unnecessary spending and increasing US Exports to lower our $1 trillion per year Deficits. This should lead to a Balanced Federal Budget to freeze the National Debt. If we can achieve a Federal Surplus, we can begin to lower the Federal Debt back from $35 trillion to $5 trillion. Returning manufacturing to the US will restore jobs in Right-to-Work States and end intellectual property theft. Ireland reduced its Corporate Tax from 32% to 12.5% in 1999 and increased their Per Capita GDP to $93,000, because US Companies moved their European Sales Offices to Ireland. Trump wants to reduce the US Corporate Tax and Biden wants to increase it. Biden wants to increase Income Taxes in the US but it will reduce revenue and Trump wants to reduce Income Taxes in the US, because it will increase federal revenue.

Improving US citizen safety requires a return to arresting, prosecuting, convicting and jailing violent criminals. Property damage vandalism and looting should be prosecuted as crimes and perpetrators should pay to repair the damage.

Protests need to be contained and restricted to public parks or rented stadiums and auditoriums. Protests should not be allowed to enter highways, streets, commercial or residential areas. Protests should not be allowed near schools or on college campuses or in front of government buildings. The internet is a good place to post protest information and exercise political speech. The Internet allows the protesters to explain their grievances and make the case for change. Biden longs for the days when protesters stood on stools with signs that predict the end of the world.

Biden didn’t recognize the implosion of the US Automobile Industry, when they ignored consumers’ calls for better fuel efficiency and better quality.  He missed it when the Japanese Auto Companies began to take US market share in the 1980s. He didn’t recognize the off-shoring of manufacturing was encouraged to reduce costs, reduce regulations and get rid of the unions. He missed it when the global supply chain began to fail as ocean routes were overloaded and interrupted and transportation costs rose. He ignored the flaws in EVs failing to start in cold weather, being too heavy for our roads, needing to be continually recharged and failing to have recharging stations. He dismisses consumers’ rights to purchase what they need, prefer and can afford. He ignored the “limited powers clause” in the US Constitution. He has presided over Obama’s 3rd Term with the EPA terrorizing the population. Treavor Loudon wrote “The Enemies Within” in 2009 outlining Obama’s Communist family upbringing and sponsorship. I have included my post on American Communist Goals on this blog since 2011. I view the political chaos in the US as our Bloodless Bolshevik Revolution, designed to morph the US into the United Socialist States of America and it is using the Democrat Party as its vehicle..

Biden defines Democracy as a continuation of Democrat Rule.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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