Thursday, March 6, 2025

US Work and Income Data 3-6-25

The most vulnerable households are renters who have household incomes of $50,000 or less. Cumulative inflation since 2021 is 20% to 30%. 

The Global Price of Oil has declined from $70 per barrel to $66 per barrel.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecasts that the United States will produce 13.59 million barrels of crude oil per day (bpd) in 2025. This is an increase from the EIA's previous estimate of 13.55 million bpd. 

Forecast details

The EIA expects the following production levels throughout 2025:

Q1: 13.40 million bpd 

Q2: 13.57 million bpd 

Q3: 13.65 million bpd 

Q4: 13.74 million bpd 

The EIA also expects U.S. petroleum and liquid fuel consumption to remain at 20.5 million bpd in 2025. 

On February 24, 2025, the average price of regular gas in the US was $3.125 per gallon, according to FRED. 

Gas prices by state:

California: The most expensive state for gas, averaging $4.84 per gallon

Mississippi: The least expensive state for gas, averaging $2.68 per gallon

Texas: Averaging $2.74 per gallon

Oklahoma: Averaging $2.75 per gallon

Louisiana: Averaging $2.76 per gallon

Kentucky: Averaging $2.79 per gallon

Median Household Incomes are increasing.

In the fourth quarter of 2024, the median annual salary in the US by age group was: 

20–24 years: $40,768

25–34 years: $59,072

35–44 years: $70,512

45–54 years: $69,472

Median household income in the United States from 2018 to 2023: 

2018: The median household income was $75,790

2019: The median household income was $81,210

2020: The median household income was $98,680

2021: The median household income was $99,200

2022  The median household income was $77386

2023: The median household income was $80,610

2024  The median household income was $61,984

2025 The median household income est   $74,225

US Labor Participation Rate

1950  58.8

1960  59.8

1970  59.1

1980  64.4

1990  64.0

2000  67.2

2010  64.8

2020  66.3

The US labor force participation rate has changed over the years, with women's participation increasing in the 1970s and 1980s, and declining since then. The aging of the population has also contributed to a decline in the overall labor force participation rate. 

Women's labor force participation 

1940: Women made up 24.4% of the labor force

1950: Women made up 33.9% of the labor force

1960: Women made up 37.7% of the labor force

1970: Women made up 43.3% of the labor force

1990: Women made up 57.5% of the labor force

1999: Women made up 60% of the labor force

2000: Women made up 59.9% of the labor force

Overall labor force participation 

1950: The civilian labor force was 62 million

2000: The civilian labor force was 141 million

2025: The total number of non-farm employees expanded to 159 million

US Divorce Rate History

The share of the currently separated or divorced among ever-married women increased from less than 1% in 1900 to 20% in 2022. Since 1900, the percentage of ever-married women who were currently married decreased from 83% to 68% in 2022.,higher%20at%2016%25%20in%202022.

1940 About 3% of ever-married women were separated or divorced. 

The divorce rate was about 10 per 1,000 women, which was double the rate from 1900.

1942 The divorce rate was 10.1 per 1,000 married women, which was lower than the 2015 rate of 16.9.

1970s About 50% of couples who married in 1970 ended up divorced.

1979 The divorce rate peaked at 22.6 divorces per 1,000 married women.

1990s The divorce rate started to drop back down.

2020–2021 The divorce rate was 14.0 divorces per 1,000 married women, which was the lowest level over a 40-year time span.

Today The divorce rate is considerably higher than it was in 1940.

US drug and alcohol statistics

138.5   million Americans 12 and over drink alcohol.

28.3 million or 20.4% of them have an alcohol use disorder.

57.3 million people use tobacco or nicotine products (vape).

25.4% of illegal drug users have a drug disorder.

25% of Americans (70 million people) admitted they use illicit drugs.

us drug and alcohol statistics - Search

Many marriages fail because of drug and alcohol disorders.

US Church Attendance History

Church attendance in the United States has been declining since the 1980s. 

The Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740s significantly impacted the American Revolution by fostering a sense of individual agency, challenging established authority, promoting religious equality, and creating a sense of unity across the colonies, which made it easier for colonists to later unite against British rule and fight for independence; essentially, the Awakening's emphasis on personal religious experience prepared the colonists to question political authority and fight for their rights. 

Between 1700 and 1740, about 75–80% of the population attended church. In 1776, only 17% of Americans identified as religious adherents. Most of the 83% non-adherents were Church of England. All had Bibles.

From 1850–1890, the percentage of religious adherents increased to 45%. 

From 1890–1952, the percentage of religious adherents increased to 59%. 

In the 1950s, there was a revival of religion, which some called a third great awakening. 

During the 1950s, nationwide church membership grew at a faster rate than the population, from 57 percent of the U.S. population in 1950 to 63.3 percent in 1960

In the 1960s, societal changes led to a questioning of religious institutions. 

In 1988, the percentage of church members dipped below 70% for the first time. 

In 2020, 47% of Americans said they belonged to a church, synagogue, or mosque, the lowest percentage. in Gallup's history. 

In 2021, 47% of Americans were members of a church, the lowest percentage Gallup has ever measured. 

When church members don’t hear helpful information at church, they stay home and tune in to Trinity Broadcasting Network.


Work should be fun. If it isn’t you’re in the wrong job or the wrong place.

Love is grand, but Divorce is $40 grand. Child support is $100 grand.

Church is optional and social. Your relationship with God is mandatory, private and requires listening.

Overcoming addiction requires God’s intervention.

Declines in church attendance can be traced to political differences. Pushing the boundaries of acceptable behavior to accommodate “fads” undermines the 10 Commandments and ignores personal responsibility. Pope Francis was wrong to support the Climate Change Hoax and is wrong about his support of Illegal Immigration. His overreach is out of context with prior Popes.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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