Thursday, December 4, 2014


Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and fair: the state of being complete or whole. Associated traits include incorruptibility (adherence to a moral code and values), soundness (unimpaired) and completeness (undivided). 
Having integrity is a learned behavior and is the result of a series of personal decisions. Being complete or whole can involve the blessing of doing what you love.  Being inner-directed is helpful.  When coupled with prayer, the result is peacefulness and gratitude. 
Though many people with integrity are “successful”, money alone is never their primary goal.  Having enough money to support themselves and their family is important to ensure that they can meet their responsibilities. Their success is more related to doing what they love. They are good at what they do because they love it.
You would not find a person with high integrity working in a corrupt organization.  They would be ostracized by the clique that perpetuates the corruption.
Choosing who they work with often includes assessing the honesty of companies and customers. People with high integrity avoid certain industries and professions. This includes political elective office as it is currently practiced and any business dependent on bribery as a requirement to function. 
The one change that would attract people with integrity to elective office would be to restrict campaign contributions to registered voters for candidates who appear on their ballots. This would force “special interest groups” to operate without resorting to bribery.
There are some elected officials who have integrity despite the money game they are forced to play.  These folks are easy to spot.  They communicate what they see.  Senator Jeff Sessions (Alabama) saw the disastrous effects of excessive immigration on real US unemployment and now this fact is taken seriously.      
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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