Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Fixing Palestine 7-31-24

It is clear that it falls to Israel to deal with Palestine after the war with Hamas is over. Achieving a two-state solution would require great changes in Palestinian attitudes. The 5.5 million Palestinians have been taught to hate Israel and need to either be de-programmed or deported to Iran. Many of these deportees would be assigned to Terror Groups across the Middle East. Iran has a land area of 636,372 sq miles and has plenty of room to move the Palestinians to their own settlement. 

Many of Iran’s 89.8M population are tired of their Theocracy and adding 5.5 million radicals would not help them. Trump would inflict total economic isolation of Iran and the brunt of that will fall on the Iranian population. They will surely understand that there are consequences for electing the wrong leaders.

These Palestinians came from other Arab countries to the UN Refugee Camp they set up in 1945 for Muslims. The Arabs emptied their prisons and insane asylums and bussed them to Palestine. These were the parents of the current Muslim population of Palestine.

See Palestine Economy posted on this blog on 5-7-24.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Fixing Venezuela 7-31-24

On 7-29-24 Venezuela reelected Nicolas Maduro with 51% for a third term as President. His opponent, a 74 year old diplomat Edmundo González Urrutia with 44% claims voter fraud. Citizens are protesting. The US and other South American countries agree that the election results were rigged. Maduro claimed that the election data was hacked and the delay in reporting results was due to the hacking. The election needs to be audited. 

Maduro’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) has governed Venezuela since 2013, with the former union leader taking power after the death of his mentor Hugo Chavez. His 2018 election victory was widely regarded as an unfair contest, given that many prominent opposition parties were banned from taking part.

In the last decade, more than 7.7 million people are estimated to have left the country in search of better prospects, reflecting the largest exodus in Latin America’s recent history and one of the biggest displacement crises in the world.

The United Nations refugee agency says that approximately 20% of the country’s population has fled the country since 2014, citing rampant violence, gang warfare, soaring inflation, as well as shortages of food, medicine and essential services.

In 2023, Venezuela produced 742,000 b/d of crude oil, a 70% cumulative decline from production levels in 2013. Yet, for the first time in a decade, Venezuela's crude oil production increased by 13% in 2021 and 18% in 2022.

In 1960, Venezuela produced 137 million b/d. The decline in production to 742 thousand b/d reflects the failure of the Chavez and Maduro regimes. Communism always promises free stuff, but has delivered total economic collapse for most populations that elect them.

The success of China’s hybrid Communist/Capitalist economy suggests that their model will settle back to dominance limited to Asia. Overexpansion and overspending is costly and returning manufacturing from China to the US will limit their expansion.

See Venezuela Economy on this blog posted 5-26-24.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Dunwoody GA Spending 7-30-24

The city of Dunwoody was formed in 2008 with the mandate to resurface the roads. What we got was a City Manager form of government and 7 City Council Reps who slow rolled the road maintenance and secured city subsidies for the non-profits they supported. Zoning was standardized. Contractors were hired on the basis of “evaluation” not price. A Development group was appointed to manage bribes to attract businesses. All actions we in compliance with UA Agenda 21 as required by the Regional Commission. It was “one size fits all”. Now in 2024, nothing has changed. 

In 2009, Georgia adopted Regional Governance.

UN Agenda 21 was being implemented in the US by ICLEI and the American Planning Association. Georgia had already moved their Regional Planning Groups to become Regional Commissions with authority over road construction, repair and maintenance.

In 2012, the Regional Commissions proposed an $18 billion TSPLOST to be voted on in each Region. Half of the $18B was for light rail trains and the other half was for roads and highways that didn’t connect and didn’t solve any congestion problems.

Heavy congestion was the result of building I-285 too close to the center of Atlanta and failure to build a true Atlanta bi-pass to allow interstate car and truck traffic to avoid Atlanta congestion. MARTA had 123,400 riders per day on weekdays and was confined to operating mostly in the city of Atlanta, but extended to Dunwoody and the Airport.

In 2012, the Dekalb County population was 700,783. South Fulton population was 91,053.  Fulton County population was 973,464, mostly in the northern suburbs.

The 2012 TSPLOST failed in 9 Regions and passed in 3 Regions.

Road construction costs doubled in 2012. New contractors were selected by the Regional Commissions.

See TSPLOST Overcharges posted on this blog May 30, 2012.

GA 400

Georgia State Route 400 Guides. The origins of the State Route 400 date back to a 1952 land-use plan that included an expressway paralleling Roswell Road north from Atlanta to Sandy Springs. Land acquisition for the Peachtree Connector, a four lane roadway between I-85 and Peachtree Road commenced in January 1959.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Driving in Atlanta GA 7-30-24

Metro Atlanta is plagued by driving obstacles and it’s getting worse. The addition of Multi-purpose trails next to roads is the latest piece of sabotage offered by the Georgia DOT and Regional Commission. The trails are ostensibly for bikes, as the bike lanes failed to be wide enough to be safe. Nobody rides bikes except biker clubs. Few walkers use sidewalks available on main roads, but most walking takes place in subdivisions that have no sidewalks. This is safer because neighbors are near. Atlanta residents use their cars to grocery shop and commute to work and that is not likely to change. 

Atlanta was rebuilt after the Civil War with narrow streets. Politicians continued to keep this model even after the US Highway System was built in the 1950s. We arrived in Atlanta in 1983 when the population was about 3 million. Driving became more difficult as the population swelled to 5 million. The outer belt for I-75 and I-85 was I-285 and it was too small and was stuffed with interstate truck traffic that ran through the center of the City of Atlanta. The first HOV lanes appeared in 1994 to encourage car-pooling. In 2007 a bus carrying a baseball team took an HOV lane and crashed through the guard rail killing 7 people. HOV lanes are hard to navigate and seldom used. They were finally replaced by “express lanes” where the DOT partnered with outside fee collecting companies. These too are hard to navigate.

The population of Metro Atlanta in 1950 was 688,200. I-285 was planned in 1954 and the first segment was dedicated in 1971. The population of Metro Atlanta was 1,387,865. I-285 was finished in 1981 and the population of Metro Atlanta was 1,625,000. In 1990, the population of Metro Atlanta reached 2,184,000.  In 2000 the population of Metro Atlanta was 3,522,000. The population of the Atlanta Region includes 28 far-flung rural counties and has a population of 6,307,261.

GA-400 was planned in 1984 to allow for growth of suburbs and exurbs north of Atlanta. It was completed in 1991 and is completing its connection with I-285.

Now, GDOT is proposing express lanes on GA-400 to charge users a fee. These express lanes were installed on I-85 to replace the failed HOV lanes. This adds further confusion to navigating the highways. If you inadvertently move to an express lane, you will be charged the fee. The express fee scheme is a private-public partnership aimed at raising revenue for GDOT by sharing the fee with a private company that signs up to fund part of the addition. It also makes navigating these highways more confusing and difficult. We avoid using the highway system whenever possible. The GDOT redesigns for highways and intersections are confusing and deadly.

The solution to Metro Atlanta’s traffic problem is to shrink the population. This will happen eventually as more drivers are killed on the roads. It could also happen when manufacturing returns to the US, offering jobs in rural counties.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Metro Atlanta Mayhem 7-30-24

I published this on the blog on 6-16-2011 and offer this re-post to put my Driving In Atlanta post in perspective.


Metro Atlanta Mayhem I


Road Problems: Visitors Beware

Atlanta Metro has a number of problems with its streets and roads. If you are new to town, just passing through or visiting here, you need to read this:

1.Street numbers go up and then down; try to find the 3400 block of Buford Highway; you will find it twice, once inside the perimeter and again way out in Gwinnett County.

2.Roads change names several times, everywhere.

3.Roads turn left and right without telling you.

4.Roads stop and then continue several blocks down from where they dead-ended.

5. All verbal directions require that you drive to the Big Chicken before you can find your way to your destination.

6.All office building have three to five names for their complex thanks to the marketing people. Try finding the Palladium by Greenway at the Ponds from the Big Chicken.

7.Few addresses are visible from the street. Many addresses are not on their buildings at all. You really can’t slow down enough to catch an address; the minimum traffic speed on our roads is 45 mph.

8.Hotels change hands faster than a hot Rolex watch. Restaurants go up and down even faster.

9.Left turns are only allowed on 3 downtown streets. Everyone else continues to turn right.

10.The I-75 North exit out of downtown no longer means I-75 / I-85 North. You may want to go to Gwinnett, but you will end up in Chattanooga.

11.There are never any cars on the big 17th Street overpass. I go there just to clear my head.

12.The exhaust from line of cars idling at the GA-400 toll booth caused the EPA to ban road building in Atlanta for decades due to poor air quality. The people who don’t want you to drive were ecstatic.

13.Coming up I-75 / I-85 North through downtown Atlanta, you need to get into one of the 3 left lanes to go right to I-85 or into one of the 3 right lanes to go left to I-75. Nashville has you switch lanes like that 5 times. Nashville needs a 17th Street overpass where you can go to have your nervous breakdown.

14.Some roads can suddenly turn into highway entrance ramps. If you go south on Buford Highway, the entire road becomes an entrance ramp to I-85 South. Nobody knows what they did with the rest of Buford Highway or how to get there.

15.The Interstate highways we use, I-85, I-75 and I-285 require some warnings:

The minimum traffic speed on our highways is always the posted speed plus 20. If you try to drive the posted speed on I-85 South from the Williams Street Exit to the Hwy 20 Exit, you will cause a 
huge pile-up, multi-car accident. Just pick a center lane and hope for the best.

It is common to lose your lane as the highway narrows. That’s because your right lane has become an exit ramp and you must cut over to the next lane on your left. This can be difficult and harrowing, but it is a good idea. If you don’t and you take the exit ramp, you will probably not be able to get back on to the highway, ever.

The worst entry ramp was from the airport to I-85 N. You had to accelerate from zero to 80 miles per hour in 4 seconds to cut left through 5 lanes of on-coming traffic to get to your ramp way over on the left. Otherwise, you couldn’t get on to I-85, ever.

Our Exit Ahead signs are designed to stun and confuse you. They are very large and cover the entire highway. They announce the coming exits for the tangled plethora of roads and highways you may want to take. There are no through-lane signs, so it’s hard to know if you’re still on the highway you started on. Just pick a middle lane and hope it’s not an exit lane.

We have HOV Lanes for car pools and buses. No one knows what HOV means. If you have two or more people in your car or bus, you can use them. Our HOV Lanes are on the left and so are their exit ramps; you may be required to exit and then you won’t be able to get back on the highway, ever, and you may not know where you are. Our HOV Exits are designed to hide what is ahead, so you really don’t know where they will take you. It’s the GDOT’s way of making your driving experience exciting.

You may notice the placement of traffic lights on entrance ramps to our highways. These are really fun. Until they added these unnecessary traffic lights we were able to form a single lane before reaching the highway entrance lane. We all took turns shuffling our cars. We did that all by ourselves and it worked fine. But the Georgia DOT did not think we could handle this shuffling on our own, so they put stop signs on the entrance ramps. They go Red, Green, Red Green alternately and very fast. You have got to see this. It creates a huge line of cars that back up on the road that leads up to the entrance ramp. They are not always on; nobody knows why. The best time to catch them is rush hour. You can pack a picnic lunch, and sit on the grass across from the entrance ramp for the best view. You won’t believe it.

You may notice that some parts of some highways have signs with people’s names on them. These are not the names of people who died there; these are the names of well connected, retired Georgia politicians who are not currently incarcerated.

NTL Conservative Blog

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


Monday, July 29, 2024

Real Government Reform 7-29-24

One of the first posts on this blog was Real Government Reform posted on Saturday, JULY 31, 2010. This re-posting is a time-capsule of my warnings 15 years ago. I recommend reading earlier posts to get a perspective of how real reform is stifled.

Real Government Reform

There are big changes that need to be made in how government operates. These are changes that most elected officials would not want to hear about, much less support. Before any of this, borders should be closed and all illegal aliens deported. Governments loose respect when they don’t enforce their own laws. Government overspent and is broke. Between the pending $20 trillion National Debt and the $80 trillion in unfunded liabilities, government is bankrupt. If we allow government to print their way out of this, inflation will eat us alive, again. The incestuous relationship between government and big money got us here. It’s time to separate them. Government and Education are dominated by communists who deserve to be laid off.

First is real campaign finance reform.
This is the kind of reform that voters would support, special interests will fight against to the death and most elected officials know would make things better. This campaign finance law would make registered voters in the candidates’ city, county, district or state the only ones who could make legal campaign contributions only to those candidates who would appear on their ballot. This would work for Primaries, Run-offs and General Elections. It would redefine the role of lobbyists to remove campaign contributions as a means to legally bribe elected officials.

Candidates would need a website with their resume and position on issues posted and yard signs. They would be forced to develop relationships with voters rather than special interests.

Free speech would be preserved as special interests, lobbyists, corporations, unions and government employees could buy their own ads to support their own causes. I would hope that their customers, stockholders and members would receive an accounting of these activities along with their marketing and contributions budgets and vote on these to keep them in check. Even special interests must be held accountable to their constituents.

Liberals would fight this change to the death. They invented the corrupt system we are attempting to reform. When John Kerry resigns, you’ll know we’re making progress. Like unions and the mafia, liberals cannot operate without deal making, intimidation, coercion, corruption, divisiveness, bribery and extortion. George Soros’ strategy is to get big spending politicians elected to ensure the decline in the value of their currency and then short-sell the currency. He did this in the UK and he is doing it now in the US. Unions are unnecessary and damaging and they know it, so they’re desperate. Liberals get ugly when cornered.

This will need to be passed by State Legislatures and recognized by Federal Legislatures before any of these changes could occur. This is the only solution left to states like California, where government employee unions control the legislature.

Second is a return to the Constitution and the 10th Amendment.
We need to stop electing “welfare state Marxists”, those who say they want to “help” people. Helping people is the peoples’ job and it must be done without the government. The Federal Government’s powers must be stripped back to be consistent with the 10th Amendment; this will save needed dollars the Federal Government doesn’t have, but continues to spend.

The Federal Government must retreat from controlling and funding Education, Healthcare and Welfare Systems; the States do these anyway, but I would cut all federal subsidies and let the States scale these back to fit their budgets. This would involve the repeal of decades of Federal Laws.

The congress must assume responsibility for monetary policy to ensure that inflation is kept to under 1% a year. The Fed can present its analysis and get approval from congress before it prints more money. The dollar devaluation must stop. The 1913 dollar is now worth 3 cents. The Fed has failed. A stable dollar is the answer to increasing U.S. savings rates. Retirement accounts should be free from the kind of risk we have endured in the stock market.

Counties should shoulder the burden of this reduction in funding. I would hope that schools would use internet and home schooling as much as possible to reduce expenses.

Third is real legislative process reform.
For years, legislators made their own rules, allowing for legalized bribery and extortion. This has resulted in wasting over half of the tax revenues spent since the founding of our country.

House and Senate Rules should not allow unrelated, tacked-on amendments to be added to Bills. Start by banning any other items from being added to military and government operations appropriations Bills. Earmarks would be eliminated and “for other purposes” should be removed.

House and Senate Resolutions should be eliminated; they are trite and a waste of time.

It’s time to reform the rules used to pass legislation. Current rules allow unrelated issues and expenditures to be bundled with necessary legislation. The only intelligent decision is to vote NO. This should not be allowed. It’s a formula that allows really bad legislation and expenditures to hide in the corners of benign legislation and be passed.

Carve-outs should be removed. If it’s good enough for everybody else, it’s good enough for your biggest campaign contributors. Exempting favored states, industries and companies from regulations should not be allowed.

Many regulations codify dumb policies cooked up by unions and liberals and adopted by big dumb companies and they want to impose these on the rest of us. The big dumb companies support these to increase their smaller competitors’ costs.

Fourth, we need the Legislatures to reverse Court and Executive Order errors
Congress must define “Life” to include the unborn, define “Born” and revoke citizenship from ‘Anchor Babies” and should reverse the Supreme Court ruling on school prayer and end the attack on references to God by the ACLU.

We must roll back all “favored minority” regulations to end the Gay Rights movement. If we don’t, we will encourage pedophiles and terrorists to begin their own Rights Movements.

Social engineering must end. All of it should be repealed.
EPA rules should be pared back; CO2 is not a pollutant and doesn’t cause global anything.

Fifth, we are broke. We need to pay off the debt.
We must cut half of the Federal budget to match revenue. We need to reduce government employment from the current 25 million to 15 million. We can’t afford them. We need to cut 10 million government jobs, so the most humane approach would be to start a government hiring freeze now. We also need to freeze pay and benefits and convert government pensions to defined contribution plans. It could take several years of pay freezes before government pay packages settle back in closer parody with private sector compensation. Governments must limit their borrowing to 3 times their annual revenue.

We must pay off the debt. Government must cut spending to match revenue. Next government must set up principle and interest payments to begin to pay down the debt. That means the Federal Government must cut the functions that are ‘reserved for the states and for the people’. Annual spending is roughly $4 trillion a year vs. annual revenue of $2 trillion a year. If we need to spend $1 trillion a year to pay off the debt, the government will have to function on $1 trillion a year. The Federal government must withdraw from funding and controlling Education, R&D except defense, Healthcare and Welfare. States need to push these responsibilities back to the counties and cities’ this should take 3 years of pull-back spending reductions. These monsters will necessarily shrink.

Federal parks and unused land should revert to the States. The Tax Code and the Income tax should be eliminated and replaced by a 10% national sales tax. All Departments except Defense, State and Interior should be eliminated. Functions from the eliminated Departments should be reconsolidated under the Interior.

We must phase out Medicaid which is now less effective and many times more expensive than the old county hospital and neighborhood clinic model we need to return to.
We must phase out Medicare and Social Security. They are unsustainable and unconstitutional. If we had paid our 17% to our own lock-box accounts, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

We must remember that any responsibilities assumed by the Federal government will cost 10 times more than it’s worth and will result in disaster, without exception. Most laws enacted since 1913 should be repealed.

Sixth, we need to stop being the world’s policeman.
We need to close most of our 700 overseas military bases and put those bases on the Mexican border to fight the drug cartel war and replace the border patrol. Border guarding should be a military responsibility.

Focus on Iran. Stop kicking the can down the road. If we deal with Iran, our other problems will go away, so deal with Iran, harshly. We should do this by freezing Iranian assets. If we need military action we should do it with drones, air attacks and Special Operations forces, not occupying armies. We need to stop Iran and all others who would fund terrorism and be done with it.

We will waste $2 trillion in nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan. Like most things government does, it was not a good deal. We don’t have to do this. We can take out the poppy fields every year with napalm.

Colonialism should die a natural death. It results in extinction events for empires and creates top down country creating that causes problems forever. Our record of inserting ourselves in every world conflict that arises hasn’t bought us much. In most cases we end up creating a monster we have to fight a decade later.

Seventh, we need to redefine terms and establish priorities.
U.S. interests must be redefined as U.S. voters’ interests and would not necessarily include U.S industry, business or globalist interests. We no longer need a large footprint around the world beyond what businesses do for themselves, if they are responsible vendors who deliver value.

Social engineering has to go. It is not in the interests of the U.S. voter to have a government engage in social engineering or funding special interest activities or funding and adopting junk science and using it to create regulations that double our energy bills.

Foreign aid and involvement must be curtailed. We can’t afford to buy the world a coke. There is a long established principle in Ethics that attaches proximity and personal charity to the moral imperative. The good Samaritan became responsible for the injured man who was beaten and robbed when he happened upon him. It is not in the U.S. voters’ interest to ship billions of tax dollars overseas. It is the decision of each voter to give to all charitable causes personally.

We need lower unemployment. We have 20 million illegal aliens and 20 million unemployed. Is this hard ? Illegal aliens must be deported. When our government ignores our citizens living in Arizona in the middle of a war zone, but sends past Presidents to raise millions for overseas relief, voters’ interests are not served.

Eighth, we need to get government out of unconstitutional, dangerous, unsustainable and wasteful activities

Education, funded and controlled by government is a recipe for tyranny. It’s dangerous and pollutes the subject matter. The communist ideological indoctrination taking place in our schools will ruin the country. It’s the Hitler Youth on steroids and a black hole for funding. The curriculum has declined to be dominated by “useless studies” as the predominant major. These degrees do not prepare us for anything. These graduates cannot find jobs. We fill our engineering classes with foreigners. Let’s pull the plug and start over. Giving loans to students to study this stuff is criminal. Communist ideology must be surgically removed from all education. Starving it into oblivion is a good start. All education can now be done on the internet.

Healthcare, funded and controlled by government is unsustainable because it is a black hole for funding. We treat everything and cure nothing. Most cancer patients die from the side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation. We are spending way more than these drugs and medical treatments are worth and it’s time to get back to basics. Healthcare is a scandal. I predict that the abandonment of healthcare by government would usher in its salvation, leaving healthcare to providers and patients.

Health Insurance should be optional. Companies should flip whatever they are spending on health insurance into pay raises and allow employees to find their own insurance, or not.

Illegal Aliens are an economic drag. If we could lose 20 million illegal aliens and send indigents to county health, healthcare could survive, so could schools and the legal system.

Earmarks are wasteful and should be banned. These are projects local voters won’t fund. Sometimes they are very expensive like “the bridge to no-where”. Mostly they are low priority city and county projects that could be funded by donations, like bike-paths and landscaping.

Grants are wasteful in all departments and should be eliminated. If somebody has a project that has merit, they can figure out how to turn it into a commercial success. If not, voters shouldn’t have to pay for it.

Government funding of studies are wasteful. Research should be funded privately.

The Arts should be funded privately. They’d none of them be missed.

The EPA should be rolled back and left to the states. They do more harm than good. CO2 is not a pollutant.

The Department of Labor should be closed and left to the states. Unions should be left on their own to sink or swim without government help.

Social Security should be exposed for the Ponzie scheme it is and should be privatized over time, but first, investment vehicles that are impervious to wild swings in value must be established. This would have been debt equity, but social engineering wrecked it.

FDA functions should be left to the states where their charter can be limited and met. Drugs should be tested for safety and side effects by a designated non-governmental lab at pharmaceutical company expense.

The department of Agriculture should be closed, subsidies ended and functions returned to the states.

The department of Health and Human Services should be closed and its functions left to the states and counties.
The department of Transportation should stop subsidizing light rail and Amtrak and stick to maintaining Interstate Highways.

Oil and gas are needed. Congress must open up drilling for gas and oil everywhere, with no exceptions. The Interior department needs to learn about how to avoid oil spills and ensure, in person, that these standards are followed.

Ninth, regulations and red tape should be value stream process mapped and continuously improved to remove non-value-added activities and barriers.

We need to make it easier to do business in the U.S., not harder. India’s economy was in gridlock before they streamlined their business license maze. It’s impossible to do business in government controlled socialist republics, which is what we now have.

Most of our legislation misses the mark. It punishes the innocent and lets the guilty go free. Large companies are squandering resources to comply with laws and regulations that are unnecessary and stem from government initiated social engineering.

Large companies are the last place I would look for an illegal alien workforce. They need English speaking employees. Yet they maintain Affirmative Action Plans, I-9 Forms and use E-Verify. Small landscapers, large and small farming operations, construction companies, drug cartels, tree removal companies, retail, fast food operations and grocery stores have all the illegal aliens working there, but somehow, they are never discovered, arrested or deported. What were you thinking ?

Tenth, goods producing jobs must return to the U.S.
We need a viable U.S. economy to dig our way out of our government debt hole. The Federal government needs to remove legislative obstacles and let the states do the job.

Goods Producing employment, including manufacturing, mining, logging and drilling must double from the current 18 million jobs to 36 million jobs. We need to make manufacturing in the U.S. competitive with the rest of the world through automation and regulatory and tax reform. Companies in various industries can tell you the cost of manufacturing overseas vs. in the U.S.

Foreign governments have actively recruited our manufacturing industries to locate plants in their countries. Incentives include long-term tax holidays, free land or rent and all manner of bribes. The end result has been that our companies, realizing that they could cut their costs by 50%, have relocated to these other countries. In many cases, these companies have no unions, less stringent regulations and more freedom to operate efficiently. We will not get some of these industries back, ever.

Elected Officials should be actively engaged in gathering facts and numbers from industries we could entice to return manufacturing operations to the U.S.
Unions must be recognized as the job killers they are. They ruin companies. There are industries who would return their manufacturing operations to the U.S. but for exposure to re-unionization.

The information we got from the “Information Age” wasn’t good. We lost our wealth-producing industries. In the 1990 manufacturing jobs were off-shored and laid-off workers went to retail jobs. In 2001, after the 9/11 terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, the economy took a tumble along with the airline industry. The lower interest rate response to the down-turn resulted in the 2008 Meltdown. Green jobs have necessarily gone to the Martians. The “unintended” results of government action and inaction have taken their toll. The collapse of the dollar has been long in the making; it isn’t like it’s a surprise we won’t see coming. It will arrive as the result of excessive government spending and excessive government debt.

Posted by NTL Conservative Blogat 8:13 PM July 31,2010

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Fixing the US Constitution 7-29-24

Biden is suggesting that the Supreme Court needs to increase the number of its Judges, so he can select Liberal Judges to be confirmed by the Democrat Senate, but the Supreme Court is a separate and equal branch and has the legal right to ignore Biden’s request. 

The appointment of Originalists on the Supreme Court has allowed the Court to focus on original intent.

The Court recognizes that relying on Case Law creates too many errors. The Court was originally designed to be a referee, not a Legislature. The Constitution appoints the Legislature as the only Branch authorized to make law. The Constitution requires using Amendments and requires the House and Senate to agree. The President also has to agree with the Law and the Process. The President then signs the Bill into Law.

The Legislature has failed to follow the Constitution by ignoring Amendments required to expand Federal Powers when these Amendments wouldn’t be ratified by the States. This includes the Amendment required to establish National Parks and Federal Land that is now 30% or the US landmass. In 1913, the States didn’t have the money and were happy to have the Federal Government establish these Parks. Now, these same States are not allowed to drill oil, mine ore, prevent forest fires or fix roads. If Congress passed an Amendment to allow the Federal Government to keep this land it would fail and the Parks would become State Property. The Department of Interior would keep the desert and the Military would continue to use it. States would be able to sell useable land and grow their GDP and populations.

Congress creates Agencies and they should close the Department of Education and recognize that this is not a Federal Power and belongs to the States under the 10th Amendment. There are other Federal Agencies that cause more trouble than they are worth. The EPA should be sent to the States as well as other dysfunctional agencies. These agencies have failed at the Federal level.

Congress needs to take a close look at the Federal Powers section of the Constitution and ensure that it is amended to become accurate and ratified. Congress and the Court have reacted to various crises with band aids over time and need to restore Constitutional control.  They tied a rag around their leaky pipes when they should have replaced the pipes.

Left-wing Democrats will go nuts when this happens. Their march to destroy the Constitution will be ended. We the voters have been funding our own demise. We need to remove unconstitutional Federal Powers and send them to the States. We need to use AI software to handle national data accumulation. We need independent entities like UL to test and certify products. We need to automate government work. We need to break up the DOJ and Homeland Security. We need to reduce foreign aid and remove bribery from diplomacy. We may need to have the FBI and CIA report to a new Cabinet Secretary. We may need to have the DOJ closer to the Supreme Court. We may need to remove tax breaks as we lower corporate taxes to simplify the Internal Revenue Code. We certainly need to determine if the UN is worth supporting. We need to ensure that only US citizens are allowed to vote.

We need to take the money out of politics and put the voters in charge. States should stop outside money from being used for campaign contributions. Campaign contributions should be limited to Voters Only. This would remove the high cost of TV ads that feed on liable and slander. States should require that candidates post their positions on issues on their websites before they are allowed to file for elections as candidates. Contributions by voters should be limited to only include candidates who appear on their ballots. Contributions should be limited to $1000. Candidates should be allowed to fund their own campaigns and deduct their expenses from their taxes. Special Interest groups can have their own websites to promote their positions on issues.  

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Protests 7-29-24

Protests should be contained and not allowed to disrupt the public. Protests should be held in rented stadiums or auditoriums paid for by the sponsors and reported by the media. Protests should not be allowed in public parks, schools, colleges, residential areas, commercial areas, roads, highways personal property or public property. Protests should require police control. Counter-protests should be separate events and never allowed where protests occur. The media should cover these events and report on them. Protests should not be allowed to insight riots or destruction of property, looting or other disruptive behavior. This is not Free Speech and is not protected by the 1st Amendment.  If protests turn violent, participants will be arrested. Crimes will be prosecuted. Protesters and Protest Sponsors will be required to pay damages. The same restrictions should be placed on Marches and Runs that promote causes. 

Cities should be allowed to schedule the parades that require the use of roads, but these should be limited to established holidays like Christmas, New Years and July 4th. Participants should not be allowed to promote causes, but should be limited to the themes of the holidays.

The history of protests in the US beginning in 1765 began with colonists’ objections to the Stamp Act. The colonies had their own legislatures who were elected to collect taxes and pass laws. The Stamp Act was imposed by the British Parliament. The “protests” were in print and disseminated through newspapers and posted pamphlets. Colonists were divided. Loyalists supported the British and Patriots supported the Revolutionaries. The Patriots harassed the Loyalists and boycotted their businesses. British soldiers countered the protests by becoming more oppressive. Each Colony had its own Militia and they joined to Patriots. The Boston Tea Party was an act of vandalism. In 1775, the British marched on Lexington and Concord and were attacked by the Colonial Militia. In 1775, the Patriots outnumbered

The Loyalists and gaining independence from Britain seemed attainable.

In 1791, the US imposed a tax on whiskey to pay down the Revolutionary War debt. The Whiskey Rebellion was the result. The protest was the refusal to pay the tax. George Washington resolved the dispute and the rebellion ended in 1794. 

In 1915, the KKK held rallies and street marches and continued these into the 1920s.These were also violent and exclusive.

In 1932, the Bonus March was a “sit-in” by unemployed Veterans of World War II who camped out in Washington DC to petition Congress to pay the bonus they had been promised. The Senate refused and General Douglas Macarthur removed the campers. None of the Senators were reelected in 1933.

The Civil Rights Movement 1954-1968 marked the beginning of disruptive protests.The protests were non-violent parades through the streets. These parades began in 1965 in Selma Alabama. Protestors were arrested for disrupting traffic. Sit-ins were also used to protest and protestors were arrested for disruption. These protests continued from 1965 to 1968.

The protests in 2020, organized by Black Lives Matter affected multiple cities with property damage.

Protests have been disruptive, lawless and destructive for decades. All are funded by organizations that should be held accountable. The right to free speech needs to be redefined and contained to allow citizens and businesses to function without harassment.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Rule of Law 7-28-24

US Law was based on Judeo-Christian Law summarized in the 10 Commandments. Plaques with the 10 Commandments have been commonly displayed in courthouses across the US. 

I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.

Honor thy father and thy mother.

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Thou shalt not covet.

These were the Commandments given by God to Moses. They were first imposed by Moses on the Jews who he led out of Egypt. The tablets they were written on were encased in the Arc of the Covenant witnessed to have miraculous powers to win wars.

The dichotomy in this was that winning wars required killing your opponents. The Bible is full of wars and wars have been fought by humans since pre-historic times.  Archeologists have discovered evidence of wars in ancient writings and carbon dated weapons. History would suggest that wars are inevitable. We are only beginning to have evidence that total economic isolation can replace war. Trump offered the first evidence when he economically isolated Iran in 2017 and their lack of funding reduce their ability to fund Islamic Terror. Previous evidence supported this theory. The Roman Empire ran out of money and their Empire contracted. The same is true as the USSR overspent and had to release its “satellite countries”.

Violations of the 10 Commandments are considered to be “mortal sins” by religions and a few are usually classified as “felonies” under the law.

Murder is among the most serious crimes and has its own range of severity. A 1st degree Murder conviction can bring the death penalty or life without parole  The dichotomy related to murder is that mental illness is used as a defense but the Criminally Insane, serial killers are usually given the death penalty.  

The 1st Commandment is ignored under US Law that requires “freedom of religion” and allows “no religion”. A religion is a set of beliefs, but is also an established church. The US is based on Judeo-Christian law, but churches outside of this law have also been allowed. The Founders were dealing with the culture it inherited.  To maintain a culture that allows for assimilation some churches were ignored into extinction.  Each denomination had its day and some still survive, but the strict Puritans became extinct over reaction to the Salem Witch Trials. The Secular Culture in the US did not embrace the Judeo-Christian principles in the US Constitution and is still in play. The American Communist Party began to chip away at religious education in the 1920s.

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Commandments are dated to include no graven images, no taking the name of God in vain and keeping holy the Sabbath and assume that we remain faithful to and respectful of God and reserve 1 day to worship God.

The 5th Commandment to honor our father and mother commands us to be respectful and grateful to our parents.

The 6th Commandment to not kill is addressed in US law. Abortion presents another dichotomy as States weigh their option to allow abortion in cases of rape, incest, fetal viability and dangers to life of the mother.

The 7th Commandment to not commit adultery is recognized in divorce proceedings and with laws against prostitution.

The 8th Commandment to not steal is recognized in cases of theft, especially when harm is inflicted on the victim or property is damaged.

The 9th Commandment to not bear false witness is ignored in US election laws, but is used by pledging honesty when answering questions in a court of law. The crime for lying under oath is perjury punishable by fines and jail time. You need a photographic memory and you own documents to defend against perjury.

The 10th Commandment to not covet includes goods and wives and is ignored by US law.

The intent of the Founders was to establish the US based on Judeo-Christian Principles to ensure that those who migrate to the US will assimilate into its culture. This has worked well for the past 250 years as Europeans from cultures that support these principles have migrated to the US. The non-Europeans who migrated to the US from other cultures that have assimilated are Asian. Other non-European have had difficulty including Muslims and tribal cultures. Incompatible ideologies like socialism and communism are incompatible. 

Campaign ads now consist of attacks on opponents that are protected speech. If the campaign ads are relentless, most viewers will eventually believe them. That is why few candidates ever post their positions on issues and we don’t know who the hell they are. This works for them, because it allows them to hide their votes and continue to work for the big doners.

The Supreme Court has held that libel of a public official or public figure cannot be punished criminally unless the requirements of New York Tinies Co. v. Sullivan are met: the statements must be proven to be false and published with 'actual malice. Criminal prosecutions for libel are exceedingly rare and, in the post-Sullivan era, greeted with skepticism. In most states, criminal libel statutes have either been repealed or struck down as unconstitutional by the courts.,and%20published%20with%20'actual%20malice.

There are also no laws for preventive measures that protect US citizens from identity theft and property crimes. These laws are needed to prevent identity theft of Home Titles and Bank Accounts. New laws need to be passed to allow government offices to require proof of identity they are not currently allowed to enforce.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


US Political Division 7-28-24

The struggle is between Business and Government. The first battle was over private property rights. The Left passed an anti-monopoly law in 1890 and supported Labor Unions. Republicans took the side of the Private Sector and Democrats took the side of the Public Sector. 

The main political parties in the US have been on a collision course since 1913.  Democrat President Woodrow Wilson passed the Federal Reserve Act and implemented a Fabian Socialist Managed Economy to abandon the Capitalist Free Market Economy. Wilson also passed a permanent Individual Income Tax to fund the US government. Wilson also expanded the Federal Government to include additional Agencies to impose regulations on the private sector. Wilson abandoned the “limited powers” outlined in the US Constitution without creating Amendments allowing the creation of National Parks and other powers for ratification. He did create Amendments to establish the Income Tax and Federal Reserve, but the Federal Reserve was based on anti-capitalist principles. State Legislatures didn’t understand the implications and the Supreme Court didn’t stop these Amendments.

The US Congress had passed the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890 and imposed it on private businesses like the JP Morgan’s railroad and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company. These businesses created their industries. JP Morgan consolidated the railroads to allow them to pay off the foreign loans they used to expand the railroads. This was an affront to property rights and opened the door for the US government to continue to erode property rights for everybody. The other Marxist principle that was adopted is the right to unionize and that further eroded the owners’ property rights.

Banks loved that major private industries would no longer be able to provide their own working capital.  Wall Street loved that making these major privately owned companies to seek loans or sell Bonds to get the working capital they needed. Unions loved it because they could lay claim to companies owned by their founders who built these critical industries.

With income taxes that consumed 70% of business owner’s incomes, these business owners donated their fortunes to their own “foundations” to avoid taxes. These foundations were eventually infiltrated to be controlled by Marxists.

Unions grew, peaked in the 1950s, declined from the 1960s and now are down to 10%. US manufacturing was off-shored in the 1990s. Banks created the “Great Recession” in 2008. The Stock Market began to grow when 401k plans were adopted in the 1980s to allow gains that off-set inflation.

Marxist Democrat politicians took over the US Federal Government in 2009, lost it to Republican Conservatives in 2017, regained control in 2020 and may give it back to Republican Conservatives in 2024.

The struggle is between the Private Sector Economy and the Public Sector Economy. There are more voters who work in the private sector and Republicans should win if voters can learn economics and history by November 2024.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


Friday, July 26, 2024

Roadrunner Trump 7-27-24

Wiley Pelosi took the role of Wile E Coyote when Roadrunner Trump entered the Whitehouse in 2017.

Pelosi took the handoff from the Hilary campaign and continued the Russia Collusion Hoax. This resulted in the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein acting for Attorney General Jeff Sessions who recused himself because he was a Trump supporter. Sessions was replaced and William Barr was appointed as Attorney General in 2018.

Mueller concluded the investigation in 2019 and reported that there was no evidence to support the charge that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.  

The cost of the investigation was reported at $32 million, but was thought to be over $40 million.

The Steele dossier that started the witch hunt was later linked to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The DOJ should have made the DNC pay the bill.

In 2018, the House flipped to Democrat and had a Democrat majority. Nancy Pelosi became the Speaker of the House.

The strategy Wiley Pelosi used was impeachment. She took control of the House in 2018 and used Trump’s phone call to Ukraine as evidence for the 1st Impeachment that charged abuse of power.

The first impeachment of President Donald Trump occurred on December 18, 2019. On that date, the House of Representatives adopted two articles of impeachment against Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. On February 5, 2020,

Trump's first impeachment took place after a formal House inquiry found that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and had then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony

The second impeachment was the result of the rally on December 6 2020 and the House charged Trump with insurrection.

The Senate voted to acquit Trump on both articles of impeachment.['s%20first%20impeachment%20took%20place,subpoenas%20for%20documents%20and%20testimony.

In addition to the impeachments, Democrat DOJ and Democrat State Prosecutors arranged for multiple investigations.

In Florida, the FBI raided Trump’s home and removed the top secret documents Trump had declassified. He did this because of the law that allowed past Presidents to hold these documents.

This case was thrown out by a Florida Judge.

In New York, the Manhattan Prosecutor elevated a 2 year old misdemeanor that was not prosecuted to a feloney. It charged that Trump had ordered that money his attorney paid was recorded as a legal expense.  This charge was thrown out by the New York Appeals Court.

In Atlanta Georgia, the Fulton County Prosecutor charged Trump with attempted election tampering when he called the Georgia Secretary of State to ask him to look for voter fraud. This case was moved to 2025.

The Supreme Court found in favor of Presidential Immunity from prosecution for decisions that were made in the execution of Presidential duties.

The Trump “witch hunts” began in 2015 and will be over in 2025.

Every scheme Wiley Pelosi hatched resulted in her damage. I am convinced that the Democrat strategies they used to stop Trump failed in the same way as Wile E Coyote was the final target of his own schemes.

The attempted assassination of Trump on July 13 2024 completes this series of Roadrunner cartoons. Democrats will do whatever is necessary to remove Trump. We are not amused.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader





When I became a Trumper 7-27-24

In 2016, before the first Republican Presidential Debate I was asked who I supported for President. My answer was “whoever tells the most truth”. When I watched the debate, I saw Donald Trump recite a litany of failures attributed to the other candidates due to their cowardice. He named every failure I noticed over the years. These Republicans always campaigned claiming to be Conservatives and then folded and voted with the Democrats. That is when I became a Trumper. 

I wondered why Trump called some of them names, but the truth he brought to the table on the issues was flawless. The other candidates knew he was right and they were embarrassed and rightfully so.

Trump’s litany of failures were identical to the failures identified by the Tea Party. I concluded that he got them from Tea Party leaders. I concluded that Steve Bannon from Breitbart was his tutor. Tea Party oriented Republican candidates had been elected after the Tea Party rallies began in 2010. This stunned the Establishment Republicans and they declared war on the Tea Party. This division lasted for 6 years and in 2016 Trump was elected President with a Republican House and Senate.

Trumps first 2 years in 2017 and 2018 did include removing unnecessary regulations, reducing taxes and beginning to build the border wall. Republican RINO Senator John McCain was the ‘no vote’ that kept Obamacare from being repealed. The Russian Collusion Hoax that began in 2015 during Trump’s first campaign continued.  

Trump’s victory also stunned the Democrats, who took the House in 2018 and fought Trump’s policies, but he was able to fund the border wall with Defense Budget dollars.

Fracking allowed Trump to increase oil and natural gas production. He opened Anwar for drilling in Alaska and pipelines were being built in the US to ensure safety and efficiency and reduce cost. Increasing Supply allowed US Gasoline prices fell to $1.97 per gallon. Household incomes increased by $6000/yr.. Unemployment fell to 3.7%. Inflation was 1.7%. Trump reduced US Federal Taxes to allow US companies to reshore their money and jobs and small businesses flourished. The Obama “Great Recession” caused by the “mortgage meltdown that lasted from 2009 to 2016 had ended.

The “Global Economy Scam” that began in the 1990s was failing and the US jobs that were off-shored had a Path to re-shore with the right mix of lower corporate taxes and the use of Tariffs. “Free Trade” and “Zero Rates” for Central Banks created dangerously high Debt to GDP ratios. The overreaction to liquidity had funded a spending spree and government overspending was coming home to roost as a cause of inflation. The reduction in oil production in 2021 had its affect in 2022 and resulted in inflation of gasoline prices and transportation costs for consumer goods and food.

Trump will need to US reduce taxes again to reshore US manufacturing, so that we can produce what we consume and rebuild the US economy to become affordable again.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader



Libertarian Party 7-26-24

The Libertarian Party is a minor “conservative” political party that has not returned to the Republican fold. With no path forward to elect their candidates, I expect them to decline. MAGA Republicans will agree with some of their Principles, but will disagree with the rest. They are more ideological and less pragmatic. They dropped their founding issue. They were formed to promote a better economic system that would support the US Capitalist Free Market System. That would replace the Fabian Socialist Managed Economy System adopted by Woodrow Wilson in 1913. 

The Libertarian Party claims to have 741,930 members in 2023. They are a small conservative political party with only a few candidates being elected. Most Conservatives are going to vote for Trump, whose cause-and-effect solutions aimed at high priority issues and are rock solid. Their Platform is driven by grievances against government overreach that are valid, but their implementation is often problematic and difficult to accept. They propose legalizing pot and prostitution. Some of their Principles are at cross-purposes. They are anti-abortion, but pro-self-ownership. They demand religious freedom, but don’t define religion. They oppose government involvement in trade, but don’t recognize that trade embargos can replace war. Their government overreach grievances are valid and compelling and should be addressed by less sloppy legislation to tweak back the abuse. They never mention the US Constitution and may believe it no longer exists. They seem to support open borders and oppose Tariffs. Their Principles are less relevant in 2024 than they were when Clinton and Obama were attacking back-woods hermits, church cults, pig farmers and anyone defending their property. 

The Libertarian Party Platform emphasizes individual liberty in personal and economic affairs, avoidance of "foreign entanglements" and military and economic intervention in other nations' affairs, and free trade and migration. The party opposes gun control.


As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty: a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and are not forced to sacrifice their values for the benefit of others. We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.

Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.

In the following pages we set forth our basic principles and enumerate various policy stands derived from those principles. These specific policies are not our goal, however. Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime, and it is to this end that we take these stands.


We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual.

We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.

Governments throughout history have regularly operated on the opposite principle, that the State has the right to dispose of the lives of individuals and the fruits of their labor. Even within the United States, all political parties other than our own grant to government the right to regulate the lives of individuals and seize the fruits of their labor without their consent.

We, on the contrary, deny the right of any government to do these things, and hold that where governments exist, they must not violate the rights of any individual: namely, (1) the right to life — accordingly we support the prohibition of the initiation of physical force against others; (2) the right to liberty of speech and action — accordingly we oppose all attempts by government to abridge the freedom of speech and press, as well as government censorship in any form; and (3) the right to property — accordingly we oppose all government interference with private property, such as confiscation, nationalization, and eminent domain, and support the prohibition of robbery, trespass, fraud, and misrepresentation. Since governments, when instituted, must not violate individual rights, we oppose all interference by government in the areas of voluntary and contractual relations among individuals. People should not be forced to sacrifice their lives and property for the benefit of others. They should be left free by government to deal with one another as free traders; and the resultant economic system, the only one compatible with the protection of individual rights, is the free market.


Individuals are inherently free to make choices for themselves and must accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. Our support of an individual’s right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices. No individual, group, or government may rightly initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Libertarians reject the notion that groups have inherent rights. We support the rights of the smallest minority, the individual.

1.1 Self-Ownership

Individuals own their bodies and have rights over them that other individuals, groups, and governments may not violate. Individuals have the freedom and responsibility to decide what they knowingly and voluntarily consume, and what risks they accept to their own health, finances, safety, or life.

1.2 Expression and Communication

We support full freedom of expression and oppose government censorship, regulation, or control of communications media and technology. Language that is perceived to be offensive to certain groups or individuals is not a cause for any legal action. Speech that is not literally a threat of aggression or violence is not in itself aggression or violence and can never be used to justify aggression or violence. Individuals are responsible for their own reactions to speech. We favor the freedom to engage in or abstain from any religious activities that do not violate the rights of others. We oppose government actions that either aid or attack any religion

1.3 Privacy

Libertarians advocate individual privacy and government transparency. We are committed to ending government’s practice of spying on everyone. We support the rights recognized by the Fourth Amendment to be secure in our persons, homes, property, and communications. Protection from unreasonable search and seizure should include records held by third parties, such as email, medical, and library records.

1.4 Personal Relationships

Sexual orientation, preference, gender, or gender identity should have no impact on the government’s treatment of individuals, such as in current marriage, child custody, adoption, immigration, or military service laws. Government does not have the authority to define, promote, license, or restrict personal relationships, regardless of the number of participants. Consenting adults should be free to choose their own sexual practices and personal relationships. Until such time as the government stops its illegitimate practice of marriage licensing, such licenses must be granted to all consenting adults who apply.

1.5 Parental Rights

Parents, or other guardians, have the right to raise their children according to their own standards and beliefs, provided that the rights of children to be free from abuse and neglect are also protected.

1.6 Adult Rights and Responsibilities

Once individuals are presumed to have adequate judgment to vote and serve on a jury or in the military, they should also be presumed to have sufficient judgment to decide their own purchase and use of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, cannabis, and engage in other activities currently restricted by government due to age.

1.7 Crime and Justice

Government force must be limited to the protection of the rights of individuals to life, liberty, and property, and governments must never be permitted to violate these rights. Laws should be limited in their application to violations of the rights of others through force or fraud, or to deliberate actions that place others involuntarily at significant risk of harm. Therefore, we favor the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as gambling, the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes, and consensual transactions involving sexual services.

We support restitution to the victim to the fullest degree possible at the expense of the criminal or the negligent wrongdoer. The constitutional rights of the criminally accused, including due process, a speedy trial, legal counsel, trial by jury, and the legal presumption of innocence until proven guilty, must be preserved. We assert the common-law right of juries to judge not only the facts but also the justice of the law. We oppose the prosecutorial practice of “over-charging” in criminal prosecutions so as to avoid jury trials by intimidating defendants into accepting plea bargains. Additionally, we support the abolition of qualified immunity so that law enforcement and prosecutors would be held legally accountable for misconduct that leads to wrongful convictions or other acts of injustice.

1.8 Death Penalty

We oppose the administration of the death penalty by the state.

1.9 Self-Defense

The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights — life, liberty, and justly acquired property — against aggression. This right inheres in the individual, who may agree to be aided by any other individual or group. We affirm the individual right recognized by the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms, and oppose the prosecution of individuals for exercising their rights of self-defense. Private property owners should be free to establish their own conditions regarding the presence of personal defense weapons on their own property. We oppose all laws at any level of government restricting, registering, or monitoring the ownership, manufacture, or transfer of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories.


Libertarians want all members of society to have abundant opportunities to achieve economic success. A free and competitive market allocates resources in the most efficient manner. Each person has the right to offer goods and services to others on the free market. The only proper role of government in the economic realm is to protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected. All efforts by government to redistribute wealth, or to control or manage trade, are improper in a free society.

2.1 Aggression, Property, and Contract

Aggression is the use, trespass against, or invasion of the borders of another person’s owned resource (property) without the owner’s consent; or the threat thereof. We oppose all acts of aggression as illegitimate and unjust, whether committed by private actors or the state.

Each person is the presumptive owner of his or her own body (self-ownership), which right may be forfeited only as a consequence of committing an act of aggression. Property rights in external, scarce resources are determined in accordance with the principles of original appropriation or homesteading (whereby a person becomes an owner of an unowned resource by first use and transformation), contract (whereby the owner consensually transfers ownership to another person), and rectification (whereby an owner’s property rights in certain resources are transferred to a victim of the owner’s tort, trespass, or aggression to compensate the victim) As respect for property rights is fundamental to maintaining a free and prosperous society, it follows that the freedom to contract to obtain, retain, profit from, manage, or dispose of one’s property must also be upheld. Libertarians would free property owners from government restrictions on their rights to control and enjoy their property, as long as their choices do not harm or infringe on the rights of others. Eminent domain, civil asset forfeiture, governmental limits on profits, governmental production mandates, and governmental controls on prices of goods and services (including wages, rents, and interest) are abridgements of such fundamental rights. For voluntary dealings among private entities, parties should be free to choose with whom they trade and set whatever trade terms are mutually agreeable.

2.2 Environment

Competitive free markets and property rights stimulate the technological innovations and behavioral changes required to protect our environment and ecosystems. Private landowners and conservation groups have a vested interest in maintaining natural resources. Governments are unaccountable for damage done to our environment and have a terrible track record when it comes to environmental protection. Protecting the environment requires a clear definition and enforcement of individual rights and responsibilities regarding resources like land, water, air, and wildlife. Where damages can be proven and quantified in a court of law, restitution to the injured parties must be required.

2.3 Energy and Resources

While energy is needed to fuel a modern society, government should not be subsidizing any particular form of energy. We oppose all government control of energy pricing, allocation, and production.

2.4 Government Finance and Spending

Since all persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor, we oppose all government activity that consists of the forcible collection of money or goods from individuals in violation of their individual rights and strive for the eventual repeal of all taxation. To further that end, we call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution. We oppose forcing employers to serve as tax collectors. We support any initiative to reduce or abolish any tax, and oppose any increase on any tax for any reason. To the extent possible, we advocate that all public services be funded or allowed to be provided in a voluntary manner.

2.5 Government Debt

Government should not incur debt, which burdens future generations without their consent. We support the passage of a “Balanced Budget Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes.

2.6 Government Employees

We favor repealing any requirement that one must join or pay dues to a union as a condition of government employment. We advocate replacing defined-benefit pensions with defined-contribution plans, as are commonly offered in the private sector, so as not to impose debt on future generations without their consent.

2.7 Money and Financial Markets

We favor free-market banking, with unrestricted competition among banks and depository institutions of all types. Markets are not actually free unless fraud is vigorously combated. Those who enjoy the possibility of profits must not impose risks of losses upon others, such as through government guarantees or bailouts. We support ending federal student loan guarantees and special treatment of student loan debt in bankruptcy proceedings. Individuals engaged in voluntary exchange should be free to use as money any mutually agreeable commodity or item. We support a halt to inflationary monetary policies and unconstitutional legal tender laws.

2.8 Marketplace Freedom

Libertarians support free markets. We defend the right of individuals to form commercial enterprises based on voluntary association. We oppose all forms of government subsidies and bailouts to business, labor, or any other special interest. Government should not compete with private enterprise. We reject government charter of corporations. We call for a separation of business and state.

2.9 Licensing

Libertarians support the right of every person to earn an honest and peaceful living through the free and voluntary exchange of goods and services. Accordingly, we oppose occupational and other licensing laws that infringe on this right or treat it as a state-granted privilege. We encourage certifications by voluntary associations of professionals.

2.10 Sex Work

The Libertarian Party supports the decriminalization of prostitution. We assert the right of consenting adults to provide sexual services to clients for compensation, and the right of clients to purchase sexual services from consenting sex workers.

2.11 Labor Markets

Employment and compensation agreements between private employers and employees are outside the scope of government, and these contracts should not be encumbered by government-mandated benefits or social engineering. We support the right of private employers and employees to choose whether or not to bargain with each other through a labor union. Bargaining should be free of government interference, such as compulsory arbitration or imposing an obligation to bargain.

2.12 Education

Education is best provided by the free market, achieving greater quality, accountability, and efficiency with more diversity of choice. Recognizing that the education of children is a parental responsibility, we would restore authority to parents to determine the education of their children, without interference from government. Parents should have control of and responsibility for all funds expended for their children’s education.

2.13 Health Care

We favor a free market health care system. Medical facilities, medical providers, and medical products (including drugs) must be freely available in the marketplace without government restrictions or licenses. We recognize the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want (if any), the level of health care they want, the care providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use and all other aspects of their medical care, including end-of-life decisions. People should be free to purchase health insurance across state lines. We oppose governments either mandating, or restricting voluntary access to, medical treatments or procedures including vaccines.

2.14 Retirement and Income Security

Retirement planning is the responsibility of the individual, not the government. Libertarians would phase out the current government-sponsored Social Security system and transition to a private voluntary system. The proper and most effective source of help for the poor is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals. We believe members of society will become even more charitable and civil society will be strengthened as government reduces its activity in this realm.


In the United States, constitutional limits on government were intended to prevent the infringement of individual rights by those in power. The only proper purpose of government, should it exist, is the protection of individual rights. The principle of non-initiation of force should guide relationships between governments.

3.1 National Defense

We support the maintenance of a sufficient military to defend the United States against aggression. The United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world. We oppose any form of compulsory national service.

3.2 Internal Security and Individual Rights

Individual rights shall not be curtailed, whether based on circumstances of war, epidemic, natural disaster or emergency, or any other pretense. Intelligence agencies that legitimately seek to preserve the security of the nation must be subject to oversight and transparency. We oppose the government’s use of secret classifications to keep from the public information that it should have, especially that which shows that the government has violated the law. We oppose the use of torture and other cruel and unusual punishments, without exception.

3.3 International Affairs

American foreign policy should emphasize peace with all nations, entangling alliances with none. We would end the current U.S. government policies of foreign intervention including military and economic aid; tariffs; economic sanctions; and regime change. We recognize the right of all people to resist tyranny and defend themselves and their rights. We condemn the use of force, and especially the use of terrorism, against the innocent, regardless of whether such acts are committed by governments or by political or revolutionary groups.

3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders.

3.5 Rights and Discrimination

Libertarians embrace the concept that all people are born with certain inherent rights. We reject the idea that a natural right can ever impose an obligation upon others to fulfill that “right.” We uphold and defend the rights of every person, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or any other aspect of their identity. Government should neither deny nor abridge any individual’s human right based upon sex, wealth, ethnicity, creed, age, national origin, personal habits, political preference, or sexual orientation. Members of private organizations retain their rights to set whatever standards of association they deem appropriate, and individuals are free to respond with ostracism, boycotts, and other free market solutions.

3.6 Representative Government

We staunchly defend the rights to petition the government for redress of grievances and to express dissent. These rights are thwarted when government acts behind closed doors. We support election systems that are more representative of the electorate at the federal, state, and local levels, such as proportional representation, alternative voting systems, and explicit inclusion of “none of the above” on all ballots. As private voluntary groups, political parties should be free to establish their own rules for nomination procedures, primaries and conventions. We call for an end to any tax-financed subsidies to candidates or parties and the repeal of all laws that restrict voluntary financing of election campaigns. We oppose laws that effectively exclude alternative candidates and parties, deny ballot access, gerrymander districts, or deny the voters their right to consider all alternatives. We advocate initiative, referendum, recall, repeal, and oppose any effort to deny these options when used as popular checks on government.

3.7 Self-Determination

Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of individual liberty, it is the right of the people to alter, abolish, or withdraw from it, and to agree to such new governance, or none, as to them shall seem most likely to protect their liberty. We recognize the right to political self-determination, including secession. Exercise of this right does not require permission from others.


In every matter, we advocate the consistent application of the principle of the non-initiation of coercion, physical force, or fraud. Our silence about any other particular government law, regulation, ordinance, directive, edict, control, regulatory agency, activity, or machination should not be construed to imply approval.


The Libertarian Party was formed in 1971 by a group that promoted Free Enterprise Capitalism described in the Austrian School of Economics. They opposed the Fabian Socialist Managed Economy model. I still support their original position.  My first contact with them was when they called me to ask permission to reprint one of the columns I wrote for Kansas Business News in 1980. I noticed that Republican Congressman Ron Paul ran for President as the Libertarian Party candidate in 1988. Ron Paul voted NO on all bills that were not in compliance with the US Constitution. The next time I connected with the Libertarian Party was in 2012 while serving on the Georgia Tea Party committee that defeated the TSPLOST in 2012. One of my jobs was to contact other groups who opposed the wasteful $18 billion TSPLOST boondoggle. I made a presentation to the Libertarian Party and they joined our coalition. Most of them were backing Ron Paul as the Republican Candidate for President in 2012. When Ron Paul lost, they returned to the Republican Party to save it. Since then, the Libertarian Party added Principles to their Platform that are not workable. I suspect their national leadership group has been sabotaged by infiltrators.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader