Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Pendulum Swing 7-6-24

Countries and their populations vacillate from tight laws to no laws. They repeat the same mistakes. This leaves room for policies that are destructive. Governments are primarily responsible for establishing laws that offer their best-case scenarios, but in their quest to win wars or advance technology and infrastructure they get sloppy.  Most of the policies they adopt using the “bandwagon” rush are overdone and they go too far for too long. The resources spent on dumb ideas makes the next tightening cycle more difficult to overcome.  Most of these bad ideas are financed by debt and history has proven that too much debt will destroy empires and countries alike.

The US has a “record debt”.  The US National Debt has risen from $5 trillion in 2000 to $35 trillion in 2024. Most of the Debt created from 1776 to 2000 was “War Debt” and was mostly paid off by the 1920s. US Debt rose with inflation from the 1920s when home cost was $4000 to 2024 when home cost is $400,000.  Lenders use 28% of annual income to determine what they can safely lend to borrowers to fund a mortgage.  If the US government followed that rule they would have to limit their spending to 28% of the $4 trillion they receive in annual revenue. That would be $1.12 trillion as a logical cap for the National Debt. Instead we find the US Federal Spending at $6 trillion per year in 2024.

The Roman Empire fell when it inflated its currency and went broke. The USSR made the same mistake and had to give up the satellite countries they claimed after World War II and dissolved in 1989 to become the Russian Republic. The annual US debt service is $1 trillion per year. That means that Congress has to reduce spending by $3 trillion per year.  The US spends $1 trillion on Foreign Aid, $1 trillion on Grants to States and $1 trillion on Suicidal Non-Profit Grants.

The primary goal of government is to survive. This requires good strategies based on sound judgment and correct conclusions. Social Security and Medicare should be saved and continued. Retirees are currently funding their children, grand children and great grand children who need cash subsidies to pay their bills.

Federal funding for medical research should end and be left to the Pharma companies. Federal employment should be reduced and frozen. AI solutions are clearly capable of reducing federal employment and improving accuracy. Congress should write its own limited regulations to ensure that laws are properly executed and maintained. Immigration should be limited, based on merit and based on need.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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