Tuesday, January 6, 2015

House of Cards

Our fiscal dilemma has been carefully built as a House of Cards.  If you move too many cards, the house falls down.  Instability is built into the banking system with fractional banking since 1913, government-backed banks and insurance companies and lack of oversight on hedge funds, derivatives, etc.  Fiscal irresponsibility is built into the system with permission for the Federal Reserve to print all the money they want, the treasury to borrow all the money they can and the Congress to overspend with no thought of balancing their budget or paying off the debt. 
Progressives designed the house of cards and Republicans have been their enablers.  The riskier it gets, the more cautious Republicans become and refuse to move any cards.  They fear being blamed for starting the correction that must be made more than they fear sovereign bankruptcy, they will attempt to blame Democrats for.
This serious error is in not recognizing that if they continue to kick the can down the road, Progressives will win in either case.  It’s clear that Progressives want the US to dissolve into a global government under the UN.  Their economy crashing, dollar crashing and freedom crushing policies are designed to morph the US into a 3rd world country.
But by not wanting to irritate their global puppet masters, Republicans are throwing away the last chance they have to save the Republic. 
Republicans must begin to eliminating the unconstitutional activities usurped by the federal government over the past 140 years.  They will need to do this with nullification of unconstitutional laws initiated by the states.  They will also need a Republican administration in Washington DC to agree.
Republicans must reject grants to states to remove the federal agenda from the states and begin to think bottom up to support their states’ economies.  This must be done one agency at a time.  States can nullify carbon capture in their states and save consumers from doubling their electric bills. States can nullify Common Core and allow public schools to shed federal control to become more effective.  States can nullify Obamacare and allow physicians to return to the free market.  States can pass sovereignty Bills, claiming states’ rights under the 10th Amendment to nullify all unconstitutional federal laws.
The federal government has screwed up every unconstitutional action they have ever taken.  Our schools, our medical care, our energy costs and all other areas of our economy performed better before the federal government became involved.  It’s time to remove the federal government from all unconstitutional activities and restore the US Constitution (as written).
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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