Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Global Warming Scam Update


The UN is working feverishly to lock the world into a climate pact in Paris in just a few weeks. But for the Obama Administration, that’s a few weeks too long.

EPA is already throttling down the American economy, constricting our energy supply and raising electricity prices. This, despite the fact that EPA's so-called "Clean Power Plan" (CPP) will have absolutely no meaningful impact on world temperature whatsoever.

Economist Bjorn Lomborg released a study today affirming this fact. By using the UN's own climate

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Lomborg determined that the President’s CPP would only forestall .013° C of warming by 2100 under the UN's most extreme assumptions.  These models' extreme assumptions, by the way, have never come close to actual measured temperatures.

Lomborg also determined the impact of the CPP would only be .004° C as world temperature has actually played out.  As we learn more about the role of “nature vs. man” in setting the world's thermostat, the impact of the EPA's plan may well turn out to be zero.

If you add in the President's full emissions reduction pledge for the UN climate pact, Lomborg concludes the total impact to world temperature would be only a pathetic .008°-.011° C by 2100.

There is no doubt the Obama Administration's climate plans are "all pain, no gain" – as CFACT has reported all along.

Marita Noon also has an extensive analysis of EPA's Clean Power Plan in light of the UN climate pact, which you can read at

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Without a doubt, any agreement signed off on in Paris will do little to impact our global climate. With even the UN’s own climate models asserting this, it seems preposterous to hamstring America's prosperity and competitive position to make a meaningless one- hundredth of a degree reduction in world temperature.

Obama and the EPA don’t seem to get it. Let’s hope other cooler heads can prevail. Constructively, President & Co-Founder

The March to Paris has begun (

By Marita Noon

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