Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Immigration Must Stop

Sharia Law is incompatible with US law.  Christians and Jews are the best fit in the US because the US was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs.  Other “religions” have not had a problem in the US, because they don’t “require” all non-believers to convert or die.  The Catholic Church has Canon Law, but it only applies to Catholics and its tenants are not incompatible with US law.  Other Churches have their own internal rules that are easily compatible with US law.

Over half of the 2.6 million Muslims in the US have been polled and reported that they prefer Sharia Law.  I would suggest that they should move to a Muslim country that suits them.  They will not be successful in establishing Sharia Law in the US.  The European countries that allowed Sharia Law to be implemented in their countries have made a terrible mistake.  They too will need to deport Muslims from their countries before this problem is resolved.  

Our elected officials in Europe and the US have largely been a pack of fools.  They bought the global warming scam and UN Agenda 21 and squandered $trillions on this treason.  They bought into the “multicultural” scam and invited non-assimilating invaders into their countries.  They established unsustainable social welfare programs for their citizens and included these dangerous immigrants to be supported by these welfare programs while they stay home, making bombs and receiving assault rifles from their terrorist funders.  All the while, these Western governments have amassed unsustainable government debt.   

The first thing we Western countries need to do is to cut off immigrants from receiving our welfare benefits.  We need to reserve what’s left of our jobs to our own citizens.  We need to stop immigration and remove all the loopholes.  Anchor Babies and Chain Migration and loose visa practices need to be removed. 

We need to reset our immigration policies to what they were 100 years ago.  All immigrants needed “sponsors”, who were mostly close relatives who could support and house them until they can afford to establish their own households.  They did this without any taxpayer assistance.  All immigrants were given physicals and not released until their communicable diseases were cured. 

These immigration restrictions have never impeded trade.  Companies don’t need open borders policies in order to function.  Citizens cannot put up with the open borders policies that have been imposed by our corrupt federal government.  All open borders trade agreements need to be canceled, including NAFTA and all other agreements. 

Citizens need to take their governments back.  Campaign finance needs to be limited to allowing registered voters the right to make campaign contributions to only those politicians who would appear on their ballot. This would remove the bribery and extortion from the elective process.  Also the federal government must be brought into compliance with the US Constitution (as written) and the 10th Amendment.  The federal government would be limited to its enumerated powers and stripped of all unconstitutional powers.  These would go to the States and the People.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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