Sunday, December 6, 2015

Muslims Go Home

The US has finally met its match.  The federal government has passed anti-discrimination legislation Americans can’t live with anymore.  Unless we want to be continually intimidated by non-assimilating minorities, we will need to repeal the Civil Rights Act completely and become a “meritocracy” like we used to be. 

With Communist infiltration in the federal government, we are not about to repeal the 2nd amendment.  We shouldn’t put up with “no go zones” or Muslim elected Mayors.  We will need to quit the UN to rid ourselves of the global Marxist menace. 

Muslims are destructive to Western countries and they need to be deported back to their home countries, even if they need to have their US citizenship revoked.  It’s not just refugees, it’s all Muslims.  Muslims who have assimilated will need to convert to stay.  All Mosques would be closed.  Islam would not be legally recognized in the US as a “religion”.

The same goes for any non-assimilating immigrants, like Mexican invaders who want to recapture California using our elective governing process to take over.  Closing the border and deportation of criminals should be accomplished.

Immigration rules need to return to tighter control.  All Immigrants should stop receiving drivers’ licenses, food stamps, housing, welfare and free schooling.  We need to stop anchor babies, chain migration and all other forms of immigration of low skilled applicants.  Acceptable Immigrants would be required to have “sponsors” to support them.

We need to remove all unconstitutional departments, agencies and programs from the federal government to make it compliant with the US Constitution (as written) and the 10th Amendment.  Most federal activities would cease and these functions would go to the States and the People.

Europe needs to do the same.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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