Among the 9,000 remaining refugees slated to come to America
with the blessing of the Obama administration, the State Department says none will
be Christians.
There is a high level of controversy surrounding the Obama Administration's plans to welcome refugees from Syria and
the likelihood that ISIS will infiltrate. One solution, as part of the vetting
process, would be to invite a greater number of Syrian Christian refugees who
harbor no intent to harm Americans.
The Obama administration has a different plan as revealed by
Abraham Miller, an emeritus professor of political science from the University of
Cincinnati and a blogger for TheHill:
"There are no Christian refugees that will be
admitted." "Why? Because the Department of State is adhering with all
the rigidity of a Soviet era bureaucracy to the rule that only people at risk
from massacres launched by the regime qualify for refugee status. The Christians
are being raped, tortured, and murdered by militias, not by the Syrian
government. This technicality condemns them to continue to be victims without hope.
The Department of State chooses to adhere to a definition of
refugees as people persecuted by their own government. What difference does it make
which army imperils the lives of innocent Christians? Christians are still
being slaughtered for being Christian, and their government is incapable of
protecting them. Does some group have to come along-as
Jewish groups did during the Holocaust-and sardonically guarantee
that these are real human beings?"
In his imperial presidency, Barack Obama conveniently picks
and chooses which laws to which he will adhere, which ones to oppose, and which
ones to stretch. Now, he has decreed that there is no room for Christians in
America - only Muslims! Many Muslims come bearing the gifts of fundamental extremism
and Sharia.
Consider the recent findings by the Center for Security
Policy in polling 600 Muslims living in the United States about their assimilation
into U.S. laws and culture:
A majority (51%) agreed that "Muslims in America should
have the choice of being governed according to shariah."
Even more troubling, is the fact that nearly a quarter of
the Muslims polled believed that, "It is legitimate to use violence to
punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed."
Nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of
violence in the United States is justified in order to make shariah the law of the
land in this country.
At its core, Sharia is the application of Islamic law to the
everyday lives of Muslims, and the application of justice according to the
Quran and Hadith (Islamic writings). Sharia encompasses every aspect of Muslim
life, from religious observances to finances.
As Sharia rises, freedom falls!
Sharia dictates penalties for many offenses that
significantly differ from U.S. law. For instance, Sharia prescribes that
extra-marital sex, theft, and highway robbery can be punished by stoning,
death, or severe flogging. Other punishments can include amputation, forced
exile, or execution.
Blasphemy laws, which are on the books in many Islamic
countries, allow Christians or members of other religions to be arrested,
punished, or even executed for "insulting" Islam.
Sharia must never find a place within our laws.
At Liberty Counsel, we will not bow to Sharia or stand idly
by and watch this religion and its legal code permeate and distort our nation's
laws! Our Constitution and the Judeo-Christian principles of law it expresses
make up the very foundation upon which Western Civilization stands!
Get Liberty Counsel's exclusive "Patriot's Handbook on
Sharia's Threat to American Culture."
Our Patriot's Handbook on "Sharia's Threat to American
Culture" exposes the growing threat to America including segments on
Sharia's advancement worldwide.
This exclusive Liberty Counsel resource discloses how the
advance of radical Islam and the infusion of Sharia into our nation are among
the greatest threats to every freedom-loving patriot's culture, system of justice,
and religious freedom.
Since the founding of our great nation, our laws have been
based upon the "laws of nature and of nature's God" - a system
endorsed by its people, not thrust upon them at the end of a sword.
As always, we are One Nation under God! Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty
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