Saturday, June 4, 2016

French Unions Rioting

Why French Workers Rioting Should Make Every American Laugh. Imagine if your boss at work could fire you? French union workers can’t fathom it!

It’s extremely difficult and time consuming to fire someone in France which basically demands that companies offer employment for life. Such idiotic labor policies cause all kinds of unintended economic problems such as high unemployment, lots of temporary workers, and reduced GDP. Finally some very basic labor reforms are being proposed in France. Naturally, French unions are going crazy by protesting, rioting, and striking.

Check this out, from As the head of France’s bosses’ federation accused unions of behaving like “terrorists”, the fresh industrial unrest was set to hit transport just days before fans begin arriving for the start of the football championships on June 10.

“The scenes of guerilla-type action in the middle of Paris, beamed around the world, reinforce the feeling of fear and misunderstanding” among potential visitors still anxious after November’s terror attacks which killed 130 people in the French capital, the tourist board said.

President Francois Hollande and the Socialist government are refusing to buckle to the hardline CGT union’s demand that it withdraw the reforms designed to make it easier to hire and fire employees.

“The bill will not be withdrawn,” Hollande told France’s Sud Ouest newspaper. “The text assures the best performance for businesses and offers new rights to employees.”

After attempting to paralyse the country with blockades of refineries and fuel depots last week, the CGT has responded by calling for strikes on the national rail network beginning Tuesday and on the Paris Metro from Thursday. Air travellers are also set to face more cancellations and delays.

Despite predicted transport chaos, Hollande told the newspaper “the threat remains terrorism”, adding that 90,000 security personnel would be deployed and border security would be reinforced for Euro 2016.

It’s not that hard to imagine fast food workers in New York and California demanding laws that make it next to impossible to fire them. Once they get $15 per hour they know management will try to hire better workers and they will be on the chopping block. It’s nice to see France move right, even as America keeps stumbling left.

1.    CUZIN ERN says:  They are meat heads when it comes to working in france’! One track minds! In 1953 our angr 36 Radio Vans were sent to France to maintain military como! The civilian phone/radio clowns thought our outfit was doing civil communications and wrecked the equipment and beat the hell out of the operators and as a result fire arms were issued to keep the troops alive..I wouldn’t go to France on a bet to get paper work to go to the University of Cork!
2.    Raymond Miller says:  Gee those poor Frogs. they voted themselves a free lunch, just like the dumb F**** in the US are doing. And now they cry because employers aren’t going to be snookered. Wendy’s and other Co.’s. are reacting to Doggie-Doo and the Demon-crats pushing the $15.00 wage. It is no ones business what an employer pays his workers. If they want the job then they in essence agree to the pay rate, PERIOD.

3.    Meredith Alleruzzo says:  The move toward socialism began while I was a university student in 1967 and 68; I had to leave during the worker-inspired riots. When I returned for a visit in 2006 word was that young French people couldn’t find work there because of essentially lifetime guaranteed union jobs and had to seek employment outside the country. Here in CA schools the situation is similar. It’s almost impossible to get rid of abusive, lazy, incompetent teachers who are protected by strong unions. I witnessed it firsthand during years working as a speech therapist and adult school instructor. It’s the unions that are responsible for this and I applaud France for not backing down. Union workers should have to justify their large pay checks through regular reevaluation to avoid keeping workers who aren’t doing their best on the payroll.


The French Union thugs should confine their riots to the Muslim neighborhoods.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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