Sunday, June 5, 2016

Refugee Shortfall

Obama adding “bandwidth” to refugee admissions program (or big embarrassment at UN in September!). Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 3, 2016

What the heck does bandwidth mean?

The only thing I can assume is just what we have been saying, the refugee resettlement industry is working overtime to find new unsuspecting towns in which to place the mostly Muslim Syrians that Obama has promised to seed throughout America by September 30th (the last day of the fiscal year).  (Rutland, VT, Reno, NV, Missoula, MT, Fayetteville, AR and Ithaca, NY among others.)

Apparently the word “bandwidth” came up in a discussion with reporters on Air Force One.

Obama: Mr. Moon sir, we are trying our darnedest to get those Syrians distributed around the US by September, but that bad ol’ Trump keeps getting in the way and the FBI is making things difficult too!

From World Bulletin: The U.S. is trying to “add bandwidth” to its efforts to resettle Syrian refugees, the White House said Wednesday.

President Barack Obama has said the ramped-up effort need to be done “without taking any shortcuts on security,” his spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters aboard Air Force One.

Obama pledged last year to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees by the end of September, but so far only about 2,500 have been admitted. That has cast doubts on Washington’s ability to meet the relatively modest goal.

Obama has spoken passionately about the need to take in those fleeing violence and persecution abroad amidst a continued refugee crisis, fueled largely by Syria’s ongoing conflict.

But his efforts have been bogged down by bureaucratic security checks that are carried out across several U.S. agencies.

Then there is a jab at Donald Trump’s rhetoric and how it is partially to blame, which makes me laugh.  If Trump-talk now is slowing the colonization of America with Muslim ‘refugees’ just imagine what he could do if he gets to the White House.
Now here comes the juiciest bit of news in this story:

If Obama is unable to meet the goal, it could set the stage for a potentially embarrassing scenario when he hosts a summit on refugees on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly meeting in September. Love it!

We told you about the fact that Obama won’t look good at the UN in September, see here last month, if he doesn’t deliver the 10,000 Syrians to your towns.


Bandwidth is the numerical difference between the upper and lower frequencies of a band of electromagnetic radiation, especially an assigned range of radio frequencies.

In this piece, bandwidth is used as a metaphor for capability.

Obama should be embarrassed for foisting this new UN Agenda 21 scam on American citizens.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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