Thursday, June 2, 2016

US Media Problems

I get my news from the internet.  As a Tea Party Leader, I get emails from individuals and conservative websites.  I look for what I consider “critical events”.  I do this to make this blog a source of “critical news”.  I knew that the media blocks out real news and fills their time with trivia to distract us from the real news.

I have spent a lot of time during the past 5 years reporting on and opposing UN Agenda 21 implementation.  This is a “Big Deal” for most Tea Party folks. 

I got a tip from one of my emails that Trump had ‘vowed’ to quit the UN Paris Accords scam, so I ‘Googled’ it.  I found it in foreign newspapers. 

I didn’t find it in any US sources.  Instead, the “media” spent the entire day on Trump’s fundraising for Veterans and the Gorilla story.

The media is blocking the news that Trump has vowed to defund US support from the UN carbon capture scam.  The US media is “owned” by the Liberals, who want to keep the real news a secret.  European media outlets have tried to run a “news black-out” on the rapes being committed by Muslim refugees, but private sources from the internet do report these problems.

Trump is right to call the political media ‘sleazy’, but this is based on their “gotcha” questions.  News black-outs are an altogether different problem.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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