13-Year-Old Gives Us Hope -- And His Own Never Hillary App! August 05, 2016
RUSH: This is 13-year-old Walker in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (Keep
audio sound bite seven standing by.) Walker, how are you, sir?
CALLER: I'm really good, Mr. Limbaugh! It's an honor to meet
RUSH: It's an honor that you are listening today. I appreciate
that. Thank you. What's up?
CALLER: I go to public school, and last year my teacher tried to tell
my whole class that communism and socialism are the best form of
government. So I stood up and proved him wrong.
RUSH: (chuckles) You did?
RUSH: You proved them wrong? Did they admit they were wrong, or
did you just prove it for the class?
CALLER: I proved it to the class, and my teacher pretended like he
couldn't hear me.
RUSH: Wait a minute. Were you the only one speaking at the time you stood
up and proved him wrong and the teacher still said he couldn't hear you?
RUSH: Do you think that you succeeded in getting through to your
other classmates, convincing them that your teacher was not right?
CALLER: Absolutely.
RUSH: All right! Cool, Dude. Way to go!
CALLER: Thank you.
RUSH: Way to go. Did you go home and tell your parents about this?
RUSH: What did they say?
CALLER: What I told [the teacher] was that socialism, first of all, isn't
the best form of government because all socialism does is make everyone in the
society lazy. Because no matter if you're sitting on your couch all day or
working as hard as you can, you still get paid the same amount of money.
And communism is even worse, because they don't give you money; they give you
exactly what you need and don't let you have the freedom to use your money how
you want to use it.
RUSH: You are so right. The other thing... You left out just one
thing: Communism has to build a wall to keep people in, because most people
want to escape it.
RUSH: Why did your teacher say socialism and communism were the
CALLER: He was my social studies teacher, and I honestly don't
know. I have him next year, and what I want to say to him next year...
Because over the summer, because of this, I built an app. It's a Hillary
Clinton app where you tap her face and every time you tap, it's like a
whack-a-mole game where she pops out of the White House. Every time you
tap her face, she says one of her silly quotes. It's called "Never Hillary
RUSH: (laughing)
CALLER: So, what I want to do is show my teacher that anybody of any age
can use the free market, by bringing back a successful app at the end of
RUSH: How old are you, Walker? Thirteen?
RUSH: See, it's young men like you that gives us old fogeys hope for
the future. You keep going. Have you read the Rush Revere books, Walker?
CALLER: No, but --
RUSH: Well, stand by. No, no, no, no. That's all you need to say. Stand by
and give Mr. Snerdley your address. I'm going to send you all of them. I'm going to send you
all of them, so you can
read them, because they will help you. They're right up your alley.
I would be honored to send these to you. I have to take a break
now, but I'm so glad you got through. We'll be right back, folks.
Don't hang up, Walker! Don't hang up.
RUSH: We had a sound bite here, by the way, of an 11-year-old. We had
a great 13-year-old caller, the last caller of the previous hour. It was
great, if you missed it. He talked back, disagreed with a social studies
teacher who was telling his class that socialism and communism are the best
forms of government, hands-down. Well, yesterday in Raleigh, North
Carolina (not far from Durham, North Carolina), there was a Trump Pence
campaign event during the Q&A and an 11-year-old Trump supporter named Matthew
Schricker stood up and asked a question of Mike Pence.
SCHRICKER: I'm noticing that you've been kind of softening up on Mr.
Trump's policies and words. Is this going to be your role in the
PENCE: I couldn't be more proud to stand with Donald Trump and we are
shoulder to shoulder in this campaign, my friend.
CROWD: (applause)
PENCE: Sometimes things don't always come out like you mean, right?
And Donald Trump and I are absolutely determined to work together.
RUSH: Okay. So everybody is thinking here that the kid is a
little smart aleck here. He's trying to drive a wedge between Trump and
Pence. "Is this your role? Is this your role? Your role is
going to be kind of soft-pedaling?" And then the kid comes back with
SCHRICKER: I really think that listening to a few bad words coming
out of Donald Trump is a better to a lot of people than people getting blown up
by terrorists, people getting burned alive, people's heads being chopped off,
and people getting drowned.
RUSH: So the 11-year-old kid puts it all in perspective. If
somebody could have just reminded him that the president had just paid ransom
to the people that do all that, it would have been a grand-slam home run.
RUSH: Hey, folks, we found Walker's app. We found it on the App
Store. It's called "Never Hillary Clinton" by Chad Haber.
His last name is Haber, Walker Haber. I've sent the link. Thanks to
Seton Motley for finding the app here. We've sent the link up to Koko at
RushLimbaugh.com. This will save you for having to search for it.
There's a lot of these kinds of apps. In fact, we found a Never Hillary
app that has an accompanying app, Never Trump. We knew that wasn't
it. We've found Walker's app.
It's 99 cents, which is nothing. It's not a big deal. He's 13
years old. He was very proud of it. He started to hype it before he
ran out of time, and so we've got the link. It will be up at
RushLimbaugh.com. You'll be able to search for it that way. If you
want to search for it at the app store without waiting for the link it's
"Never Hillary Clinton" by Chad Haber. That's how it's listed,
and then the description of the app says, "My name is Walker Haber."
It's a family project. But it's his app. It's Walker's.
I read a story... I constantly devour my tech blogs. It's my hobby.
There was a story this week about how Apple is really limiting the number of
anti-Hillary apps and promoting the number of anti-Trump apps. I forget
the story I read. I think it was just reporting it; it was not an opinion
piece. It did say, "How can Apple do this? These are
harmless." But apparently all the anti-Trump apps passed. Some
of the anti-Hillary, many of them don't. This one did.
It's a tap app. It's a fun little game. So if you've got 99
cents to spare, you might be able to put Walker's app here near the top of the
App Store rankings for a while and see what happens out there. (interruption)
Mmm-hmm? (interruption) They are. Snerdley is saying he just heard
Apple is going to do something. They're going to pay bounties to white
hat hackers that find bugs in root and kernel software. Not the kind of
bugs you would find using...
These are security bugs. The top bounty they're going to pay is
$200,000 No. It's not like the stuff I find, that if you turn this
switch off and back on it will change the way the thing is reading it.
No, nothing like that. Those are not bugs, per se, as Apple is defining
them. These are things that you have to have root-level coding experience
to be able to find. I think it's 25 grand up to 200 grand, depending on
the kind of bug you might find. What else about...?
Oh, Apple has also got themselves enmeshed in a bit of a controversy over
this gun emoji. It even got so ridiculous that there were apparently
arguments inside Apple over which way they wanted their water pistol pointing,
left or right. I'm not kidding. They had a gun emoji. In
fact, if you find the gun emoji... It's in iOS 10. It's not out
yet. It's out in September, but us beta testers have it. It
replaces the gun with a green water pistol.
But if you send the green water pistol, say, to an Android user or a
Windows Phone user, it will show up as a gun because in their systems they
still use guns. But Apple switched it out to a water pistol. And
it's got support in the tech community! "Oh, this is wonderful.
Apple should be distancing itself from these weapons of death," and so
forth. Now you have to trust me on this: This is a minor thing. You
would never have even heard about this, odds are, if I hadn't told you.
But it's little microscopic stuff like this, folks -- replacing a gun emoji
with a water pistol -- that starts resonating with people as a smart move to
not promote the dangerous death aspects of a gun. This is how you start
creating mindsets and opinions in the minds of people that are not
political. This has nothing to do with left versus right, Republican,
Democrat. "This is purely safety and sustainability of human
So this is the kind of thing that happens in 2016, and, out of the blue, it
seems like a majority of people support getting rid of the Second Amendment.
"How the hell did this happen?" You'd be able to circle back to
something as seemingly as innocuous as this: Changing an emoji from an actual
pistol to a water pistol. Little, tiny stuff like this is the kind of
stuff that ends up creating or moving or changing opinion. I don't know
in this particular case how far it's going to go.
But this is the technique. This is how you get to people in almost a
subliminal way. The NRA will be aware of it, and they'll be beating it
back, and it's going to be a point of controversy. It's not going to
sneak up on anyone. But other things like this do. What I think I read
was that Apple had rejected an anti-Hillary app that... They may now have been
shamed back into accepting it. But they were obviously... People didn't
know if it was just one reviewer in the App Store that had a bias or if it was
a company-wide decision. You never know those things. But Walker's
app made it. So go to RushLimbaugh.com, see the link, and tap on it if you
want to go check out his app at the App Store.
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